Backup Files to Your Ipod

Did you know that your ipod can be used to store backup files from your computer? You can backup any files on your computer to your ipod with ease. Since your ipod is really just a small hard drive it has the ability to store your backup files and the process is very simple.

First, plug your ipod into your computer using the USB cable. You must have iTunes software installed on your computer. When you plug your ipod into your computer the iTunes software will load and the software will start the process of updating your ipod. Once this update is complete you will have the option of changing the settings to make it possible to backup your files on your ipod. Start by selecting the Edit tab in the top row of the iTunes software. From there scroll down to Preferences and select that. In the window that pops up select ipod from the tabs at the top. The Music tab should already be pre-selected, but if it is not then select Music. Toward the bottom of the Music tab there is a check box with Enable disk use next to it, select this box. You will receive a warning that states “Enabling ipod for disk use requires manually ejecting ipod before each disconnect, even when automatically updating music.” Click OK. All this warning means is that the ipod will not recognize that is if finished updating on its own, you will have to manually tell it by going back through the above steps and un-checking the Enable disk use box. Select OK to close the window. Now your ipod is reading for your backup files.

To select the files you would like to backup start by right clicking on the Start button on your computer. Then, select and click on Explore. This will take you to your explorer which will show you all of your files. On the left hand side of your explorer window you will see your ipod listed as a removable disk. This is where you will move the files you want to back up. Select the file you want to backup on your ipod, highlight it, right click with your mouse, and select copy. Then right click on the removable disk, which is your ipod and select paste. This will make a copy of the file you selected onto your ipod. Repeat this process for every file you wish to backup. Once all of the files you want backed up are on your ipod then you are ready to go back to the iTunes software and manually eject your ipod.

To manually eject your ipod from the iTunes software go into the iTunes software and once again select the Edit tab at the top and scroll down and select Preferences. Then select the ipod tab in that window and uncheck the box marked Enable disk use. Click on OK, and you are finished.

With the added option of backing up files to your ipod, your ipod becomes more useful than ever. With the ease of adding the files you will have every important file backed up in no time.

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