Crystal Light Lemonade – Great Flavor with Only 5 Calories: Product Review

Dieting isn’t easy, and one of the many reasons that people fail at achieving their weight loss goals is because they feel deprived. When people deprive themselves of things that taste good, they often go back to their old eating habits, and most of the time they go overboard because they felt so deprived for so long. I’ve found a product that has helped me lose weight, and I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything when I drink it. Crystal Light lemonade is a great tasting alternative to sugar laden sodas and juices. It tastes great, and it doesn’t have that “diet” taste to it, even though it contains no sugar. Replacing soda and juice with Crystal Light lemonade is a great start to your diet and fitness routine.

Crystal Light lemonade comes in different forms. I usually buy a container that has six smaller containers of Crystal Light lemonade powder in it. To make the lemonade, simply pour the powder in a pitcher, add 8 cups of water and stir. Simple, isn’t it? They also come in pre-mixed bottles. I don’t usually buy these, as they are more expensive and in my opinion they don’t taste as good. Another great idea that the makers of Crystal Light came up with is Crystal Light on the Go. They are purse-sized versions of the Crystal Light lemonade that come with enough powder for a regular size bottle of water. That way you can make a smart choice while you are out and about. Simply open the package, pour the powder in your bottled water, and you have a crisp and refreshing drink with 90% less calories than a bottle of soda.

Soda is one of the leading causes of obesity in America, and I am one of the many people who have gained weight because of this bubbly beverage. I used to drink way too much soda, maybe 4 cans a day. Since switching to Crystal Light lemonade, I have lost 10 pounds and I continue to lose more every month. It’s so easy to lose count of calories when beverages are concerned. It doesn’t even seem like the calories count because it’s so easy to gulp down a can of soda, while eating something like a candy bar actually takes effort.

Crystal Light also comes in many other flavors, such as tea and Raspberry Ice. My favorites are the Crystal Light lemonade and the Crystal Light pink lemonade. They taste exactly like real lemonade with no diet taste or aftertaste. I actually prefer them to regular lemonade because they aren’t as sweet as some manufactured lemonades can be. Crystal Light lemonade is more on the sour side.

As with any part of your diet regimen, you should talk with your doctor before adding Crystal Light to your list of approved beverages. They can go over the pros and cons of drinking Crystal Light. My doctor thinks it’s a great idea, but only in moderation. But that’s the key idea of a diet, moderation.

Crystal Light lemonade is a great alternative to soda and juice. When combined with the right foods and daily exercise, it can help you achieve your weight loss goals. Crystal Light lemonade tastes so good that you won’t feel like you are missing out on the great flavor of your favorite drink. In fact, I’m sure that Crystal Light lemonade will become one of your favorite drinks. I can guarantee that it’s one of mine. So go ahead and give it a try, you have nothing to lose but weight.

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