10 Items You Need When Setting Up Your First Home Office

It is quite fun to finally have your first home office. You get to be able to work at home in your comfortable clothes instead of business suits each day. You can take breaks from working whenever you want. Here are ten items you need when setting up your first home office.

1. Get a nice desk. You need a nice desk that isn’t too big or too small for your home office. Make sure to get a desk that has plenty of drawers in it. You want one that hold some files and other important files in it too. You also need to make sure to save the receipt for tax time regarding your desk.

2. Make sure to purchase a nice comfortable chair. You want a chair that is comfortable for you so you can get more work done and reduce less back pain. It is important to have a comfortable chair so don’t get a cheap one that causes major back pain. There a variety of different luxury options that are available with each chair. You might want to get a few other comfortable office chairs if you plan on having visitors at your office.

3. You need a few clocks for your office. You want to be able to tell what time is it without having to look all around the office. The extra clocks on nice for other people to be able to tell what time it is too. You can set different alarms on the clocks to remind you of times for lunch and breaks for a few minutes to relax or appointments.

4. Get a pen holder. It is important to get a pen holder so you waste less time searching for pens and it reduces the amount of pens being lost. You will love being able to start the day without having to search all over for a pen and reduce being frustrated by not losing pens as much.

5. Get a big calender to put on your desk. You need a calender to help keep you organized. The calender makes it easier for you to see your schedule and future appointments weeks in advance while talking on the phone. It enables your family and friends to be able to see which days that you aren’t as busy.

6. Make sure to get an answering machine. You need an answering machine so clients and other calls can leave a message for you. Clients and other people like to be able to leave a message even if a person isn’t available at the moment. You can leave a professional message on your answering machine regarding information about your company and possibly a website address.

7. Get a stapler. Almost every office needs a stapler to be able to send organized important documents through the mail. A stapler works much better than paper clips for a ton of papers when they are being sent through the mail.

8. Make sure to get some post it notes and possibly some highlighters. Almost every office has post it notes and highlighters to keep track of important dates or appointments. They are great for reminders of certain projects that are due or ones that need to be completed.

9. You need a few lamps. Lamps are always a good idea to keep around in the office just in case you need more light. Lamps are nice to have when working at night time. Some small lamps are affordable and reasonable.

10. Get a phone. You can get an inexpensive phone or spend a little more money to get phones with extra features. Speaker phones are always nice to have in a office when doing conference calls. Most people have caller ID in their office.

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