Skin Pigmentation Disorders

Abnormal pigment can be called hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation. Hypo- means lack of, while hyper- means excess. When skin has excess pigmentation it is called hyperpigmentation. When there is a loss or lack of pigmentation it is called hypopigmentation.
Freckles are an example of hyperpigmentation. Most children have freckles, but we are not born with them. They are usually caused by the sun and cause small specks of spots of color on the skin. The more sun exposure, the more freckles or darker they become. There are other forms of hyperpigmentation such as stains. Some children are born with a birthmark that looks like a wine stain. This is a form of excess pigmentation in the skin. A mole may have color to it, and again, this is due to hyperpigmentation.
The sun is the greatest contributor to hyperpigmentation of the skin. The sun can cause hyperpigmentation in the skin and can cause previous hyperpigmentations to worsen. Skin cancer is caused by excessive sun exposure overtime. The cumulative effect can cause skin cancer. Genetics and medications may also be factors in skin pigmentation disorders. People of all races can have skin pigmentation issues.
Skin lightening creams or chemical peels may help with hyperpigmentation. The best measure to keep the hyperpigmented area from becoming darker is to stay out of the sun and use a good quality sun block.
Hypopigmentation can come in forms of lessened pigmentation of a total loss of pigmentation. Albinism is the absence of pigment in the skin. People who have Albinism must be very careful in the sun due to the lack of melanin production. Albinism is an inherited trait.
Another form of hypopigmentation is Leukoderma. This causes light patches on the skin. Vitiligo also causes light patches on the skin. The difference between the two is that Vitiligo is something you acquire, while Leukoderma is something that you are born with.
Any change in your skin should be examined by a dermatologist. Dermatology is the study of skin disorders and diseases, and a dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in this field.
Preventitive measures such as staying out of the sun during peak hours and wearing sun block can help prevent your skin from developing age spots or darkening other hyperpigmentations on your skin.