Vegetables are a good source of vital nutrients in the body. Therefore we include them in our meals. Sometimes sliced and eaten raw, at other times cooked.

The tomato is one of the most used vegetable in cooking. Tomato belongs to the night-shade family. The night-shade family, have strong aromatic leaves and their stems are toxic. The tomato though is different in this regard because it is edible without harm.Tomato being the most widely used vegetable in cooking is usually eaten along with meals. It adds its taste to the food. Tomato would have been considered a berry fruit, but it is considered a vegetable because it is served or use in most of our cooking as a vegetable.

The most widely used vegetable, tomato has many varieties. Some of its varieties are red, yellow, orange, pink, purple, brown, white and green colors. Some varieties are stripe. Some are round while others are flat. Yet others are pear-shaped or plum shaped.

This vegetable can be as large as a man’s clenched fist or as small as a pea. Tomato is grown in different parts of the world. United States are the major cultivators. They have overtaken the Aztecs of Mexico who were the original cultivators. Also the southern European countries produce a lot of tomato.

You may wonder, ‘why is tomato sought after so much’? What is its health benefit? Tomato is not merely sought after as the most widely used vegetable, it is because it has a good flavor. Tomato also contains essential vitamins. These vitamins include vitamin A, C and E. It also contains some essential minerals, like potassium, calcium, and other mineral salts. You can see that tomato is really good for your health because, these nutrients are so important that we tend to supplements them with drugs. Tomato also contains lycopene. Lycopene is an antioxidant which lower, the risk of cancer and heart diseases.
Tomato, which widely use is the moste vegetable is low in calories and about 95 percent water making it good for everyone.

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