Top Baby Swings for Under $115

A baby swing can often be a life saver for a new mom. They are soothing for baby and allow mom to get a little rest. When shopping for a baby swing there are many different options, from really expensive swings to cheap swings. It is very important that you get a swing that works for you and your baby. There are a few things that you should look for to insure that you get a quality swing for your money. Every baby swing should have secure restraints, this is extremely important especially if there are older children around. The chair should have smooth surfaces and edges so that the baby will not be scratch or hurt by them. Make sure the swing is very sturdy, and note what the weight limit is on it and always abide by it. If you are going to put an infant in the swing then it should have a seat that reclines. Avoid swings that have hinges that could pinch small ones, and small parts that could break off and become a choking hazard. So keeping all this in mind, here are the top three swings for under $115.

The first baby swing is the Bunny Smart Stages swing from Babies R Us. This swing is priced at $79.99. The swing features two soothing speeds and both classical and lullaby songs. This swing converts from a baby swing to a baby seat and then finally to a toddler rocker. The swing has a weight limit of 25 pounds, and the toddler rockers weight limit is 40 pounds. With this swing you get 3 products for the price of one. Although this swing is very basic, it is very good quality for a very affordable price.

The second swing is made by one of the top baby product producers, Fisher price. The Ocean Wonders Aquarium Cradle swing is available for $99.99 at Babies R Us. This swing has received great reviews, not a single negative review could be found on this swing. This swing was created for children from birth all the way up to 25 pounds. The swing will sway front to back like a swing or side to side much like a cradle. It has six speeds, eight songs, and three aquatic sounds to sooth baby. The seat has a two position recline so that it is comfortable for new born as well as older babies. The baby’s is entertained with a view of a water globe with lights and swimming characters. Around the water globe is a motorized mobile with plush fish. This swing does require 4D batteries that are not included. With its bright colors and wonderful aquatic theme this swing is sure to sooth any baby.

This last swing is very much like the previous swing. The Fisher Price Baby Papasan Cradle swing is available at Wal-Mart for $114.28. This swing has many of the same great qualities as the Ocean Wonders swing. It can sway from front to back or side to side. It has six speeds and eight songs and nature sounds. This swing’s seat is nest like so that is cradles baby. The seat has added head support for infants and it has 2 reclining positions. This seat also gives baby a wonder view of an overhead globe and motorized mobile. This swing’s globe is a mirror so that baby can look at themselves. One added feature of this swing verses the others is that this swing folds for easy storage. Another plus for many parents whom are fashion conscious, is that this swing is in neutral colors rather than bright vibrant colors.

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