Bargain Shopping in Eugene, Oregon

Are you someone who likes bargain shopping? I am. I have spent the last few years finding out where some of the best places are to bargain shop here in Eugene. In this article I am going to discuss some of my favorite stores for bargain shopping. I will discuss stores that sell brand new items for bargain prices as well as stores that sell used items. Often some of the best deals can be found at resale stores. So if you’re looking for great deals on clothing, books, knick knacks or even food this article can help.


Ross is a national chain of bargain stores. I’m sure most readers are familiar with this store, however if you are not head on over and check it out. Ross buys extra inventory from local department and clothing stores and sells them to their customers at lower prices. You can often find some really great deals on everything from clothes to silverware at Ross. The best deals can be found in the clearance section where you can buy what you desire at a fraction of the price. Ross is one my favorite stores and often one of the first places I check when looking for something in particular. There are two in town. One is across from Valley River Center and the other is in the Gateway Mall.

TJ Maxx

TJ Max is similiar to Ross, in that it is a bargain store that sells extra inventory for bargain prices. This store also has a huge selection of items such as clothing, shoes, housewares, decorative, etc.. While I don’t always find the same kind of deals at TJ Maxx that I find at Ross, it is still a great store to bargain hunt. You never know what you are going to find. The TJ Maxx store in Eugene has moved from it’s old location at Oakway Mall and is now directly across the street from Oakway in a larger building

Buffalo Exchange

Buffalo Exchange is a resale clothing store located near the 5th Street Market. It is here that fabulous deals on name brand clothing can be found. This store is a favorite of mine when I am looking for a great deal on high end clothing. Besides finding clothes from places like Banana Republic dirt cheap, I have also found designer pieces at bargain prices. Recently, I bought an Anna Sui jacket at this store for about $25. Although these clothes are used, they are in great shape and sometimes you can find clothing with the tags still on them. Buffalo Exchange is particular about the kind of clothing they buy to resell. Another wonderful feature of this store is that if you have clothing you wish to get rid of, you can bring it in and have them go through it while you shop. When you check back in, they will tell you what they would like and you can either take a dollar price or make a trade for the items that you would to have.

Puttin’ on the Ritz

Puttin’ on the Ritz is a vintage clothing store in Dowtown Eugene. It’s a small shop, but it has some really wonderful items. It is here that you can find some truly vintage things. They have clothes, jewelry, accessories and knick knacks. Even if you don’t find anything that you wish to buy, it’s fun to just walk around and look at all the fun stuff. It’s a favorite store of mine just because of the atmosphere and the fun of looking at the vintage items. Puttin’ on the Ritz is located on East 11th Avenue.

St. Vincent De Paul

St. Vincent de Paul is not only a donation center to get rid of unwanted items, but a retail store as well. While, I admit, there are several items that could be described as “crap”, there are also plenty of treasures to be found. If you’re a book lover, this is one of the best places to find great deals on books. Often, there are books that have only been out a short time and read only once selling for $1.99. Paperback books are generally .99 cents and harcovers $1.99. There’s also the chance that you’ll be able find a good deal on art, photo frames, decorative items and even furniture. My husband, for example, really wanted to completely refinish a chair. He was able to find an old chair at St. Vincent de Paul and what did he pay? $1.00.
There are several locations around town. My favorite Eugene location is the little known Distrubution Center and Retail Store on W. Broadway in West Eugene.

Grocery Outlet

Grocery Outlet is just that – an outlet store with groceries. This is another store that buys up extra inventory and passes on the savings to the customer. These stores don’t only sell food but sell regular household items as well. You can find deals on cookware, napkins, toilet paper, vitamins, towels, candles, make-up and toothpaste. Of course, food is the main focus of the store. And they have everything a regular grocery store would have. This is one of the best places to shop for groceries if you’re on a budget or if you just want to find a good deal. The only drawback is that their inventory can change week to week depending on what they get in. So if you’re picky about your brands, this may not be the store for you. There are two locations in the area – River Road in Eugene and S. 14th in Springfield.

Garage Sales

Good old fashioned Garage Sales are also a great way to find wonderful deals on many items. Recently, I was able to purchase two Ansel Adams prints for less than $10 at a garage sale. If you want go garage saling, plan ahead. Look in the Classified section for garage sales that interest you. Pick an area of town to start in and choose those that most appeal to you and what you are looking for. Go early, most of the best items go quickly and it may be slim pickings after Noon.

Those are some of my favorite bargain hunting places in town. There are more, of course and you may find other favorites. If you are looking for more cosign shops, the best place to look would be downtown Eugene. I hope that I was able to be helpful to those of you looking for some great deals in the Eugene area. Have fun shopping and good luck!

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