Inspiring and Igniting the Lives of Women

Celebrating three years with creative, social, and self-improvement activities, one group helps women find their “inner goddesses.”

Spark!, with over 100 members, has Girls Nights In and Out, workshops, monthly networking mixers, overnight retreats, lunchtime discussion groups, book club, theme parties, journaling and support groups, and other activities.

The group goals are to inspire and ignite the lives of women, says co-founder Lisa Olson.

“Spark! is its own community drawing women from all over the Dallas-Fort Worth (TX) area,” she said. “Spark! tends to serve as a launching pad for many women. For example, one woman came to the group claiming to not have a ‘creative bone in her body.’ She now crafts, draws, paints, collages, and journals regularly.”

Another woman had just gone through a difficult divorce and came to Spark! to rediscover her passions. With the encouragement and inspiration she received from her Spark! Friends she is now writing music and performing at area open mics. Olson said another member had always dreamed of being a motivational speaker so the group provided a venue for her to develop a workshop on Authenticity and deliver it to a group of 15 women. According to Olson, Spark! creates a safe and inspiring space for women to test their limits, take creative risks, and outrageous acts of courage, and create the life they’ve dreamed of having.

“It’s often referred to members as ‘their canvas’ – to paint and design whatever they it to look like,” she said. “What makes our organization unique are our members. We are a diverse group of warm and supportive women. People ask ‘What kind of women are in Spark!?’ That’s like asking ‘What color is a rainbow?'”

Olson said the group’s members range in age from 20 to 75, married, single, some have children, some not, professions ranging from artist to attorney, full-time homemaker to entrepreneurs; etc.

“If you look through our website ( photos you will see there is someone who looks like someone like you regardless of who you are,” she said. “Not only is the group diverse, they’re wonderful. Any first-timer who comes to a Spark! event feels welcome and part of the group in minutesâÂ?¦genuine, authentic, positive women who that support each other and inspire each other to tap into their own innate power and be exactly who they dream to be.”

Olson urges members to “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”

“There have been amazing stories sparked in our group (aside from launching the group itself) that all have the same theme: We felt the fear and did it anyway.”

Olson explained that any big risk or new endeavor is going to be laden with fears, resistance, and apprehension – the monkey chatter she calls it.

“Courage doesn’t mean not being afraid unlike popular belief,” she said. “It means feeling the fear and going forward anyway.”

Olson said she’s seen women make their dreams come true, launch themselves into new lives, careers, and countries all because they did not let fear stop them.

Also, having the support of girlfriends who believe in you makes every difference in the world, she added.

“As Jane Howard said, ‘Call it a clan, network, tribe, family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one,'” Olson stated.

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