Marry Me, New York City

i write a lot while riding the subway…
this one is entitled:

i’m falling madly in love with my city again….

the things that are causing my love affair with my home city to continue and grow.

the feeling of standing close, but not too close to the subway platform, and the train comes in, and the windforce almost knocks me on my ass, but it doesn’ feels so rough and makes me feel very powerful for some reason.

a hotdog at Gray’s Papaya with mustard and kraut for only 75 cents.

Free movies courtesy of MTV Radio and Meri. tonight’s cinema du jour?
Stuck on You. silly and fun and heartwarming. Goddess Bless the Farrelly Brothers for rocking my ass. i laughed out loud so many times, and purrrrred with delight when the sexxxy Griffin Dunne appeared on the screen(a long time crush of mine).

50 cents coffees in the Greek God cups..yummm
1.90 cup of House Blend at ‘Bucks..also yummmm

walking through Times Square whistling ‘your song’ and thinking of the people i love. Strangers smiling at you because you are smiling. tourists asking directions and thier happiness at finding a New Yorker who isn’t fuckin’ with them.

Unlimited Metrocards. you can go all over, as many times as you like. you can go to the largest (and unfortunatley unfinished) Gothic Cathedral, to Central park and chill, to Ground Zero and remember, to Coney Island, to Battery park.. just so many things i love.

sitting in Times Square reading the news ticker and remembering reading about Princess Diana’s death on it years ago.this was back in the day when we’d sleep on the streets for $20 tickets for RENT. i learned where the best bathrooms were.. and i still utilize them everytime i have to pee in NYC.. Port authority and the New York Public Library!

it’s so bright in Times Square tonight.
i wanted to share it with you all.
i wanted to grab all the lights, the happy feelings,
the cheesey piped-in holiday music,
the smell of roasted nuts and good coffee and pizza,
bundle it up and send it out to the ones i love and care about.

now, if the job gods & goddess mote it be,
and employment is mine,
i just might ask this city to marry me.


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