This is the Best Way yet to Make Money Online


Whenever you hear about MLM (multi-level Marketing), E-Gold, internet marketing or basically making money online, what comes to your mind? Scam! But the fact is that scam or not, the world as moved on, and people have started making money legitimately on the internet.
The internet market has grown, and people are making a lot of money legitimately on the net through ground breaking programs with a solid foundation. Programs like this one.
7dollarsmagic is a program developed by people for people. You basically earn by referring people through MLM.
What is MLM?
Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) means selling of goods or services directly from the producer to the final consumer without passing through necessary channels of distribution i.e. producer – whole seller-Retailer – final consumer. This cuts the cost of advertisement and other expenses.

How do you start?
Simple, just by registering with $7 and referring 7 people as your down lines, You will then have the opportunity to earn a total of over $960,799.00.( this program as been nicknamed by some people as, people helping people, and it works perfectly.)

Perhaps we should take it from the beginning. There are two things we should first consider
1, Do you have 7dollars (e-gold) to invest with?
2, Can you refer 7people that will act as your down lines?
Then i guarantee you personally that you will make a lot of money. You cannot lose money on this program, it’s simply impossible, because you pay directly into the accounts of your up lines and your down lines pay directly into yours
Note: All transactions are made through E-Gold which is a form of e-currency . To open a free e-gold account just hit the website.

What is E-Gold?
As a prospect to Internet business, you may have come in contact with a lot of ‘E’s both online and offline: E-mail, E-trading, E-commerce, E-books, E-zine, E-marketing, and other ‘E’s. These ‘E’s connotes ‘Electronic’. That means anytime you see E-mail, it’s talking about electronic mail, which mean mails that can be sent or received electronically via the Internet.When you see E-book, it means books that can only be delivered electronically via the Internet. E-commerce-buying and selling of. Products and services electronically via the Internet. And when you see E-currency, it’s talking about electronic currency (money), which can only be used to transact business – make payments, settle debts, buy real products and services, etc. on the internet. All payments are made electronically on the Internet unlike the real world where payments are made with physical money; there are two major forms of payment on the Internet:
1. Payment with credit card: e.g. of credit cards are MasterCard, value cards, visa cards, etc, and
2. Payment through e-currency accounts: e.g. of e-currency are e-gold, v-cash, Netpay, Intgold, Paypal, etc. Over the recent years, the entire people on the Internet are beginning to see a lot of reasons why they should use e-currency account for payment rather than credit card payments. The advantages are just too much:
– It’s cheaper to run!
-No monthly charges involved!
-No rigorous and ambiguous process to procure an account! More secured!
-It’s faster!
-Open to all individuals both in developed and undeveloped countries of the world! With the growing number of e-commerce enabling websites and as the number of electronic transactions over the Internet grows by the day, more and more online businesses are accepting e-currency for their products and services. Because of this worldwide acceptance of e-currencies, there’s very high demand for e-currency from e-currency exchange networks worldwide.
So there you have it, if you need more enquiries pls do not hesitate to mail or call.
Remember you only need 7dollars(e-gold) to make a fortune. GRAB it!!!!!

After you sign-up and spent $1 each to 7 sponsors, you’ll get a referral link to ‘7DollarsMagic’ site which your name now becomes the top sponsor. Consequently, the other sponsors go down one level each and the 7th level sponsor will be deleted from the list.
Promote your site. If a new member signs up from your site you’ll get $1 before this new member can activate his/her account. If you get 7 new members then you’ll get $7. You don’t have to wait until your name reaches 7th level position to be paid. You’ll get the money even if you are still in the first level. You’ll start making money just after you activate your account! This makes 7DollarsMagic much better then other programs!
Why waste your time in a 50 cents program that makes you wait until your name reaches a certain level before receiving your money? In 7DollarsMagic you don’t have to wait that long! You will earn in every levels and it means you’ll get a bigger profit in less time!
Your downlines will do the same thing as you do. If they each got 7 new members then you as a second-level sponsor will get 7 x $7 = $49. And so on until you reach 7th position.
This is your potential earning, assuming that every member gets 7 new
members each:
Your Level New Members Your Earning
1 7 $7
2 7 x 7 $49
3 7 x 7 x 7 $343
4 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 $2401
5 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 $16,807
6 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 $117,649
7 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 $823,543

Total your potential earning: $960,799.00
And what if you had more than 7 new members under your direct sponsorship?
Because ‘7DollarsMagic’ is a forced 7 x 7 matrix, your 8th new member will be redirected to your downline’s referral site. It is called ‘spillover’. In this way you help your downlines to grow while you still make money from your own effort.
I know you might have heard this before and that you may think it’s going to be difficult referring others. I just want you to know that this program is
affordable and nothing that has worth comes easy
This is very real and a lot of people are making money. When I joined on 29/04/06, members were only 10095. Check it out now!!
I made 60 dollars within 24hours of joining
Find out more from the site

With the power of 7dollarsmagic you can make a fortune on the internet the CLEAN way. Clean here is emphasized because too many people have come to identify the internet with fraud due to the activities of just a few people. These few engage in fraud probably because they do not know how much money they can make on the internet the “legitimate” way. Let me state here categorically that most of the money being made on the internet is clean and legitimate, otherwise how come internet trade is growing at such a fast? rate. The internet is growing rapidly in business terms!! Check out this site, to confirm.
A lot of people are making a huge income right from the comfort of their homes. Now I believe it’s your turn!!!!
To sum up 7dollarsmagic, I will ask you two questions
1. Do you have an e-gold account? (Note: to open a free e-gold account simply hit the website to create your account. It’s simple and free of charge)
2. Do you have 7dollars in your e- gold account?
If the answer is yes! Then you are up for the opportunity to make thousand of dollars.
This program basically involves the true power of MLM (multi-level marketing) You can refer a maximum of 7 people as your direct down lines, where you get 1dollar from each person at level 1. When your down lines refer 7 people each, you will get 49dollars. Most interestingly you can earn even if you haven’t gotten max number of 7down lines, as long as any down line you refer starts to refer people. in this program any effort you make automatically gives you more money. Hit the website to register

Idowu Azeez

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