Side Effect of Nuts

Side Effect of Nuts

Nuts have a crunch taste. A nut is a dry, hard fruit that does not split open at maturity to release its single seed. A nut resembles an achene but develops from more than one carpel (female reproductive structure), often is larger, and has a tough, woody wall.

They should be taken in moderation. Nuts contain 29% protein with B and E vitamins. We can take them whole or have them with some dried fruits. Walnuts help the cholesterol level to drop. Almonds have 3 times more calcium than walnuts, six times more than cashew. Almonds are high in iron. Those who have allergies, they must refrain from these as the smell of them causes allergies. If take a lot of nuts, you will develop more fat in your body. Your weight increases if you take nuts in large numbers.

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