9/11 Conspiracy Theories

On November 10th, 2001, President George W. Bush, in his address to the United Nations, blasted the emerging “outrageous conspiracy theories” that “attempt to shift blame”. Indeed, there are countless strains of conspiracy theories surrounding the horrific events of 9/11. But, for the most part, they all descend from several key ideas:

The idea that the US government either planned 9/11 or allowed 9/11 to happen in order to facilitate war with Iraq (presumably for oil?) and to stir up trouble in the middle east, effectively skyrocketing the profits of oil companies. There is the idea that Osama bin Laden is being used as a scapegoat for the US government, or that he and the US government are working together; this would effectively explain why he hasn’t been caught yet, and why, when the military reportedly had the opportunity to, they didn’t take him out – granted, however, that this was during Bill Clinton’s presidency.

David Schippers, who was the chief prosecutor in the impeachment attempts on Bill Clinton during his presidency, stated that the government had been warned in and after 1995 that a terrorist attack on a government building was impending or highly likely. He claims that he was later contacted by three FBI agents, who spilled minor details about a potential terrorist attack on Manhattan.

David Schippers claims that, “Five weeks before the September 11th tragedy, I did my best to get a hold of Attorney General John Ashcroft with my concerns.” Says Schippers, Ashcroft replied that they “do not start investigations from the top”.

Meandering away from that, it is interesting to look at the potential for profit from the 9/11 attacks. In a statement made my Mindy Kleinberg, of the 9/11 Family Sterring Committee, to the 9/11 Commission in 2003, “Never before on the Chicago Exchange were such large amounts of United and American Airlines options traded. These investors netted a profit of at least 5 million dollars after the September 11th attacks. Interestingly, the names of the investors remain undisclosed and the 5 million dollars remains unclaimed in the Chicago Exchange account”.

Indeed, this is very interesting. Whether or not the Commission wants to accept it, they do not seem to be able to explain world-wide, highly suspicious, trading patterns immediately before the 9/11 attacks.

There is further theory that explosives were planted inside the WTC. Girders with weight up to 4 tons (8000 pounds!) each were projected from the WTC at impact, and found 600 feet from the World Trade Center during the investigation. Supposedly, the ejection speed needed for the girders to land that far away supports the idea that explosives were detonated inside the WTC at the same time as the collision of the hijacked planes.

To further support this theory that explosives were involved, William Rodriguez, who worked at as a janitor at the WTC for twenty years, claimed that when he was in the basement of the North Tower, he heard what he describes as a large explosion on the B3 sublevel, mere moments before hearing the impact of the planes.

Also, regarding the video aired on various news stations of Osama bin Laden claiming responsibility for the attacks, there is speculation that the bin Laden in that video is not the real bin Laden and that that individual was a government actor, lookalike, or imposter. This may actually make some good sense; if you compare the features of the 9/11 video’s Osama to the videos and photographs of Osama shown before and after, you will notice several differences. In the 9/11 video, bin Laden’s cheeks seem puffier, skin seems darker, facial hair seems heavier. Unless Osama went on a horrifically crashed diet immediately before the attacks, and immediately underwent repairative surgery afterwords, there can be little or no logical explanation for this.

In the wake of 9/11, oil prices are at an all-time high. Oil companies are making extraordinarily more than they were before the attacks, ushered on by the instability in the middle east, even as they claim that they can’t make it any cheaper. Billions and billions of dollars are being paid by the American people to companies that may have been involved in the premeditated slaying of three-thousand of our friends, family, and neighbors.

What is really going on?
Were the events of 9/11 a terrorist attack, a government attempt to facilitate war, a combination of the two, or something more? Perhaps one day we will discover the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. As for now, there is compelling evidence that the government is not telling us everything they know.

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