Arts & Crafts for Children & Teens

Do you have a couple of busy bodies who are constantly around you and constantly bored? If you do, why not try one of these 10 activities with your children? Teach your children to express themselves through arts and crafts! Here are ten activities that your child will enjoy!

1.) Photography: Why not introduce your child to the exciting world of photography? To start, it can be an inexpensive and great hobby. To start your child out with this hobby, all your child needs is a simple 35 mm recyclable film camera unless you’re willing to invest in an inexpensive kiddy digital camera for around $24.00-$40.00 at local toy stores or your local all purpose department stores such as k-mart, target, or toy stores such as Toy’s R Us. I would recommend just getting a simple recyclable camera first to teach your child handling techniques, maintenance and responsibility. If you notice that the child takes care of this temporary camera, then you could advance them to the next level, and invest in a basic 35 mm camera or a compact digital 1.3 – 3 mega pixel camera. Encourage your child to frame their photos as well. This can be a very special to your child and a keepsake in a few years or when they’re adults. Also take your child to museums so that they grow to have a respect for art! When your child has learned to appreciate their cameras and has truly mastered the basic rules of photography, then you can decide whether or not to advance their interest in this art by investing in a more extensive camera. You can invest in a more professional camera. Also, encourage them to check out books at your local library about art and photography.

2.) Art & Painting: Everyone loves to pain right? It can also be a safe hobby for your children now that several art and stationary company such as Crayola and pang make non toxic, lead free and washable paints! This can be an inexpensive project and plus, when you’re child creates a work of art, you can use it to decorate the walls of their room! Why not turn their rooms into their galleries and display their art work in actual frames? This will give them a multitude of respect for their art and slowly develop their interest in various mediums of art. You can also find paints at your local Arts & Crafts stores are well.

3.) Playing an instrument or two: Music is a beautiful thing! I feel that all children should be exposed to music because it’s a positive and productive medium. Music also heightens the intelligence of children too. However, do not force your child to play an instrument that you’ve always wanted to play and do not force your children to live out your childhood dreams because that can be very awful and will back fire on you. To introduce your child to music and various instruments, make sure that you take them to music events such as classical concerts, operas, music street festivals, your local neighborhood mom and pop music stores and I highly recommend the Guitar Center! Field trips will enable them to see and hear instruments, which enable your children to decide! If you find that your child has an interest in more than one instrument, just encourage them to start out with one and then two if it’s in your budget. You can also find out about music programs offered in your local school districts as well.

4.) Ceramics & Polymer Art: Everyone loves to work with their hands right? Well, nearly everyone. Introducing your child to ceramics and polymer art can be a fun experience! You can encourage them to let their imaginations run wild without limitations or restrictions. Check your local community colleges or universities to find out if they are offering any art classes. Why not enroll with your child take a few classes. This will enable you to bond and help the child express their creativity.

5.) Crocheting & knitting: Knitting can teach children patience and dexterity. Why not pick up a few books or either stop by your local craft store for classes. Michael’s Art’s & Craft’s does offer beginners and advanced classes. You can learn to make scares, purses, mittens, and even small afghans.

6.) Beading: Working with beads, string, wire and glue can be very fun because beading does not require expert skill. You can learn simple, but basic beading techniques by going to your crafts store or local library and picking up a few books or your local library where it’s free. The best thing about libraries is that you have an unlimited access to knowledge that free of charge and you can find some of the best books too. If you’d like to extend your child’s interest in more beading techniques, why not stop at your local book store’s crafts sections? You will also find a large selection of book choices as well. Beading can also be fun for your child as well as they work with sizes, shapes and an assortment of colors. I would recommend this craft for children between the ages of 8 and up. Most children who are 8 will not put things in their mouths and they are not high risk for choking. All crafts should be supervised by a responsible adult.

7.) Paper Mache: Paper Mache has to be the simplest craft you can teach a child. All you need is flour, balloons, a few bowls, aprons, paint, and lots plastic to cover your surface to avoid big messes and flour spills. You make a mixture of flour, water and if you’d like, some Elemer’s Glue. Cut the newspaper into long one to two inch strips and lay out your plastic or newspaper floor and table top covering. To get started, dip the pieces of newspaper into the flour mixture, remove excess flour mixture from paper by scissoring it between your index finger and middle finger ( like a squeegee) and apply the paper to the balloon. You can also use bright pieces colored pieces of paper and tissue paper as well because the flour mixture usually dries clear to translucent and this will give life to your project. You can keep this project minimally neat and clean if you remember remove the excess four from the strips before you apply each piece. Once you have applied the first layer of paper mache, let it dry for about 1 day or over night and continue application the next day. Remember to discard of flour mixture when you are finished for the day and make a new batch of mixture each day each day.

Things you can make from paper mache:
a.) Halloween masks
b.) Butterfly costume feather masks
c.) Piggy banks
d.) Decorate vases or soda bottles
e.) Mosaic pieces
f.) Cup holders
g.) Animals

If you’re a little confused and your not familiar with this technique, I’d recommend stopping by the library for art books, researching online and even contacting your local elementary school teachers for tips and advice.

9.) Flower pressing: Pressing flowers can be very fun and teaches your child to have an appreciation for nature. To do this you will need a wooden flower press that you can get either at your local craft store. If you cannot find flower presses, you can always use a large, thick and heavy book and some cheese cloth or tracing/tissue paper to absorb the moisture. You will also need flowers and plant leaves. To get these flowers, you can either go out with your child to collect flowers, buy a few plants/flowers at your local garden center, or take a walk through your local park or neighborhood. You can also ask your neighbors if you may snip a few pieces of their flowers to press. Before you start this activity, make sure that your child does not have any allergies to certain flowers, or plants. Ferns also make really neat flower pressings as well. It takes about 2 weeks to press your flower in a book and about a few days if you use a flower presser. After you have pressed the flowers, you can frame them. I would recommend going to your local grocery store and getting a few brown grocery bags if your store still stocks the bags. You could also go to your local store and purchase some tracing paper, or brown parchment paper to display your flowers against.

10.) Card making: You can have so much fun making cards. All you need is your imagination, colorful cardstock that you can get at your local office supply or craft store, stickers and such. Michael’s has an excellent supply of card making supplies and dÃ?©cor to accentuate your card designs. You can also be unique and encourage your child to cut items from magazines to make cards. You can also pick up a few books at your local library, research techniques online and also check out your local crafts stores books on card making.

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