Re-do Your Bedroom for Under $100 Dollars

The bedroom should me the most relaxing room in your house, so why not take the time to spruce it up, and for under $100 you can have a whole new look with less than a weekends worth of work.

Before you open a gallon of paint or start shopping for new sheets take the time to clean out your bedroom. Get rid of the things in your closet you don’t wear any more, throw away old magazines that have piled up on your bedside table, and organize your desk or closet. Clutter certainly does not promote a relaxing mood in any room.
Cost: FREE!!!

Now that you have organized consider what you want your room to look like. Do you want a themed room reflecting the beach or one of your favorite vacation destinations. Do you want a room that is spa like, brining in the colors of nature or maybe you want to bring some passion into your bedroom by using deep colors. Whatever it is pick an idea that you like that way when you are shopping for your bedroom-redo you stay on course. You can pull ideas for your room out of decorating magazines that way you have an even clearer visual idea of what you are looking for in the store.
Cost: FREE!!

So you have a planâÂ?¦hit the Home Depot (or Lowes of course) to pick the paint. You maybe thinking that painting is a big pain in the butt, but nothing does more for a room than a new coat of paint, and chances are that your room color is outdated so why not modernize the look. Take your time picking out a paint color look at several different shades from different brands that way you’ll have plenty of choices. Don’t forget if you have a small room don’t go too dark with your paint otherwise it will close it in even more.

If you are going for a popular beach ocean theme try a cool green or blue, if your looking to achieve that European Tuscan type look go for a warm golden yellow. For the spa look consider lighter versions of earth tones, taupe/gray is becoming more and more popular, and if your going for the den of passion look avoid the blood reds and go for lighter plums and chocolate type colors. Remember if you ever want to re paint your room the darker you go the harder it will be.

While your there don’t forget to pick up rollers and plenty of painters tape (it gives you that professional look) also try looking for special tools that they have to easily paint corners. Try to pick up a small can of white paint for your trim work it will make your paint job look crisp and clean.
Cost: about $30

Now, that you’ve got the paint on the walls, consider figuring out a new set up for your furniture maybe even paring down the amount of pieces in your room. Many of the most sophisticated rooms featured in magazines today have a minimal amount of furniture and clutter.

Take the time to go out and purchase some new high thread count sheets. Discount stores like TJ Maxx or Marshalls have designer sheets for under $20. But try to pick a neutral color that way you can use them all year round and throughout changes to the room. Bring in your colors and themes through throw pillows or a colorful blanket at the foot of the bed.
Cost: about $30

Total so far : $60

With a bed that looks like new and a great paint color your room probably already looks completely different. So take the remainder of your budget to pick up accessories like a fun lamp, clock, trunk, or floral arrangement anything that you think brings out the idea of your new rooms. These are all things that you can also continue to add in over time.
Accessories: $40
Total: $100

If you have some extra money to put into your budget consider �.

Making your own head board. This will give your new room a really chic look with little work. Go to your home improvement store and get a piece of ply wood cut to your desired size. Then pick out a fabric, try to stay away from prints because they can be a little tough on the eyes in a project like this. Buy plenty of fabric, batting (a fancy work for fluffy stuff, you can find it at the fabric store), buttons if you choose, and a staple gun.

Wrap and staple the batting tightly over the wood and repeat with the fabric. You can embellish in a diamond pattern with the buttons or even use them as a fun border to your new head board.

Cost: Fabric depends on the cost per yard-avg. $6 a yard for about 5 yards is $30

Batting under $10

Wood -depends on the size

If you are taking out furniture or have the space to add something to your new room consider bringing in an over stuffed chair and ottoman or table. Place them in a cozy corner or by a window. To define this area consider a small area rug that matches the dÃ?©cor of your new room. If you don’t have a chair you can steal from another part of your house you can find things like the chair and rugs at stores like Home Goods, even TJ Maxx or Marshalls has very affordable prices on home furnishings. By creating an area in the bedroom that you can use for something besides sleeping (perhaps for reading) will help to make your room a haven or hideaway from the rest of your house.
Cost: $100

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