Tutorial of Photoshop
![Tutorial of Photoshop](https://www.stepbystep.com/wp-content/themes/great/images/nothumb.png)
To Create Favicons – the simple images saved in the format of the Windows Icons, (i.e. .ico) – is perhaps the easiest chapter of the discipline. Although, Photoshop does not export documents in this format, there are several plugins, which are to be downloaded prior to opening the Photoshop window. The method is:
First, create the picture for the favicon, which comes in a 16×16 pixel size. Yet many people design the favicon on a larger canvas and resize them to the standard dimension, there is a risk of cutting out details, so it may be better to avoid the larger canvas and creating a lot of details.
Next, you must save the design in .ico format by going to File > Save AS. Follow the screen that appears.
The final step is to ensure the compatibility with some of the browsers out there. While some browsers look for the ico files directly, others may look for an HTML reference. To get rid of the confusion, simply use line the – – in the header section of each page.
For graphic designing, the salient thing is to remembered that if you are working with the illustration in RGB, then it is recommended to convert by using the Image>Mode menu of Photoshop. This is due to the fact that Photoshop delivers the best results with very small alteration in the colors. Therefore, certain tips that should be remembered is to use only the CMYK color pattern. Black must be 100%K, use at least 300 DPI for offset printing and 600DPI for the digital printings. Every colored region is made from these four components and hence the composite values thereby must be cleaned. Every edge has to be prepared from 3 to 5 mm over edge, which would be trimmed off later on. As the final file format the person must use TIFF format. LZW compression should be used instead of ZIP compression for the final file, due to the fact that the ZIP compression proves to be less compatible than the LZW option.