
Genetics is a topic on which decisions often come after a red-hot debate and with much controversy, or not at all. The reason for this is simple, people just dont think the same way. The idea of genetics however, is not as easy as why we have discrepancies about it. For some, genetics is the path to saving human lives, which we can all appreciate, and for others it is going against a deeply held belief. Perhaps some reasons outweigh others, but all must be taken into consideration. When all views are seen and reasons uncovered, it becomes increasingly clear that saving human lives is the most important factor and therefore genetic engineering and therapy must proceed in order to help the future.

Science itself, as has been repeatedly shown for many centuries, is the single most successful human enterprise ever attempted. Throughout those years there have been many evil people who use science to their own ends, but science cannot be put to blame for humanistic mistakes. Much more good than evil has come from the research of science through the ages. Research cannot be stopped because it could or might be used by evil people in the future, the good must be held more important and far more weight bearing.

Alternatively, some critics of gene therapy and engineering believe that the creation of new life forms should be left in the hands of evolution and nature, not changed by man. Genetic engineering however, is no new enterprise. Mankind has been altering, or splicing, living organisms far longer than recorded history can show, by accident as well as with purpose. Any critic of genetics should remember that without genetics there is no agriculture and no livestock and thus much of the world is without food. All the same, change is not evil, change should be welcomed and this idea of new genetics should be researched and incorporated into the medical field.

Furthermore, we must remember that genetics and gene splicing is largely responsible for the finding of new cures and antibiotics for diseases. What justifiable reason is there to put an end the life saving properties of this research? Although some say that this technology is bad or against a religious ideal, how can the ability to save lives and create not only better food, but better protected people and animals be labeled as wrong, it simply makes no sense.

So where is gene therapy and engineering research at now? The government has bottlenecked the funding of these life saving technologies and the research only level. The FDA has not approved any human gene therapy product for sale as of yet. Little progress has been made in the field of genetics sense the first clinical trial in 1990 due to funding issues.

Recent developments into gene therapy have brought about a once-a-day pill that can block the HIV virus from linking into the white blood cell receptors. This research is the type that will be spearheading the way to the dream of perfect immunity to disease, once funding pulls through. Viral problems are not the only target however. Cancer can also be stopped before, or after, it has begun using a method called gene silencing. This method used iRNA, or interrupt RNA, to stop the production of tumorous cells that are known as cancer.

In opposition to this, it has been said that if genetic engineering or therapy is allowed to be and funded by the government, what will be next? Some critics say that this will be the beginning of an ethical giveaway to immorality. Genetics are not a bad science, as no science is bad in itself, and therefore we cannot dwell on the idea that we wont do this good thing because it my lead to doing a bad thing. There are so many good examples of genetics to bottleneck the funding at a low level and not research it in full. The research for therapy has just begun and the cures and immunities being developed now are primitive in aspects to what can be done with proper funding and research. Being too cautious is a danger in itself.

Perhaps the biggest group that is against genetics is religious organizations. It seems almost common to see these groups protesting and fighting science on all grounds, but with what reason? No religion can be put before life itself because if we have no life, we have nor religion. Any religion that labels technology that saves lives as wrong, then this is obviously not a good choice of beliefs due to the anti-humanistic views. People must make their own informed decisions, not decisions based on what others in their group say is right.

Finally, it cannot be contested that genetic engineering and therapy is meant for improving or saving lives. Not simply saving lives, but curing diseases, fixing deformities, and protecting our bodies from simple ailments. Research must press forward with all the help and funding it can be given. Common sense must be used as well as information from research when making decisions that can change the future. The human species can go on living with diseases and abnormalities, or we as an informed group can change the future now be helping gene engineering and therapy get the funding it deserves.

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