Seven Ideas for Dog and Owner Halloween Costumes

Do not Forget Your Pet when you get Dressed for Halloween. If you want to take your dog* with your trick or treating, here are some great ideas you can use.

Dog and Owner Costumes 1 Santa Claus and Reindeer: What can be more fun than dressing up for the wrong holiday? Skip the Halloween Aisle at the Hobby store and go right to the Christmas Aisle. Get yourself a Santa hat and a reindeer headband for your dog. You can add more items to the costume if you wish, but with just the hats, your neighbors will get the idea.

Dog and Owner Costumes 2 Super heroes: Dress up as your favorite superhero, and get your dog a cape. You can make the cape yourself, or purchase one online.

Dog and Owner Costumes 3 Cowboy and Indian: Let your dog be the cowboy with a bandana around his neck and a little hat. For yourself, make an Indian headband and feather, and add fringes to an oversized tan t-shirt.

Dog and Owner Costumes 4 Is your dog your baby? Put a bonnet on head and push him in a carriage. Your can wear a normal outfit or an exaggerated mommy outfit.

Dog and Owner Costumes 5 Angel and devil: you can purchase a halo and wings for your dog and horns and a pitchfork for yourself, or vice versa. You can also both wear the same costume if you wish.

Dog and Owner Costumes 6 Men and Black: You can purchase Men in Black costume for your dog online for only $20.00. It is worn on the dog’s front legs and goes around his neck. From the front view, it looks just like a suit. Wear a matching black suit and sunglasses.

Dog and Owner Costumes 7 Pig and Farmer: You can dress your dog up as pig using a costume you can find online for $20.00 or less. Using a farmer hat and overalls, fashion a coordinating costume for yourself.

*Note: If you plan to take your doge Trick or Treating, you need to make sure that your dog does well in crowds, and that an adult will accompany him as all of the activity around you may require a strong hand. In addition, you do not want your child to take the dog to someone’s door who may have a dog on the other side.

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