How to Install Mambo Through Your C-Panel

Mambo is one of the top Content Management Systems used on the web. Mambo is a little complicated to use if you are new to Content Manage Systems. But the only way to learn Mambo is to play with it. In this tutorial I will show you how to install Mambo through your C-Panel. Mambo can be installed in just a few easy steps. So let’s get started.

Login to the C-Panel of the website that you want to install Mambo on.

Once you are logged in click on the Fantastico Link. On the next page you will see on the left a list of links. Click on the link under Content Management that says Mambo Open Source.

On the right of your screen you will see a brief description of what Mambo Open Source is. A little ways down the page there will be a link that says New Installation and it will tell you how much space you need to install Mambo. Click on the New Installation to continue.

The next page is very important. This is where you will create your user information and where you want Mambo installed. I will walk you through each field.

Install Location

Install on Domain – This box allows you to select which domain you want to install Mambo on. If you have sub-domains you will see them in the drop down box. So select which domain you want it to be installed on.

Install in Directory – This field is very crucial. If you already have your website designed and you are wanting to switch to Mambo to try it out, I would recommend you put Mambo in its own directory. If you place it in its own directory then you can play with it and not mess your website up. However, if you decide to place it in the root directory then it will mess your website up. Mambo will be what people see when they type in your domain name. So if you want to put in its own directory then type in the name of the directroy. You can use any name. For example, mymambo or mambo.

Admin Access Data

Administrator-Username – This is where you enter the username that you want to use to access the admin panel to create your website.

Password – And this is where you enter your password that you want to use to access your admin panel.

Base Configuration

Site Name – This field should already be filled in for you. If it is not, simply type in the name of your site.

Admin Full Name – You enter your name in this field.

Admin Email – Enter your email address in this field.

Once you have entered all the information, click the Install Mambo Open Source button.

The next page will tell you that you have chose to install Mambo in a certain directory on a certain domain. To finish the installation click Finish Installation.

The next page will tell you that you have successfully installed Mambo Open Source. It will tell you your username and password, the link to access your admin area, and the link to where mambo was installed. You should print this page or bookmark it.

To make changes to your site you will need to access your admin panel and sign in using the username and password that you just created.

If you have any problems with the installation please feel free to contact me by using the contact me button at the top of this page.

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