Top Ten Songs by Amy Grant

Since she started her career in music at the mere age of 17, Amy Grant has redefined the lines of Christian music. Her crossover success into the Pop and Rock genre has made her a beloved songstress of many diverse music lovers. Here are my top ten songs that have that distinct flavor only the lovely Amy Grant can offer.

10. Takes a Little Time – Behind the Eyes

After a four year ‘break’ following House of Love, Amy gave us a deeply moving album to see behind her eyes. “Takes a Little Time” is an upbeat pop ditty that prods us to remember that getting back on track is a matter of time. Even though this song is less profound than other songs on this album, this number one hit on radio stations Christian and Mainstream alike is encouraging without being preachy. Plus the blues influence gives as some background on Amy’s country roots. So don’t give up, “the world wasn’t built in a day.”

9. House of Love (with Vince Gill)

This duet with Country singer Vince Gill may have been a premonition to Amy’s then-husband (currently ex-husband) Gary Chapman, but this title track shows the vocal chemistry of these two legends. Apparently there was more than just vocal chemistry, as she married Vince in 2000. This was a sensationalized story, of course, as they were both married to other people when their relationships took bloom. Many Christian music fans were in upheaval at Amy’s supposed fall from grace. There was some speculation as to whether her upcoming albums would tank because of this ‘scandal.’ But as “House of Love predicted, “you think you’re in your darkest hour/ when the lights are coming on in the house of love” and Amy’s success in the music world wasn’t tainted by her new romance.

8.Welcome to Our World – A Christmas to Remember

Amy’s Christmas albums are all superb. If I was so inclined I would just as soon list all Christmas songs as her top ten-they are just that good. But “Welcome to Our World” from her newest Christmas album A Christmas to Remember is a tribute to the Christ-child in elegant imagery. Written by the popular Christian singer/songwriter Chris Rice, this piece tells the story of Christ’s humble birth and his earthly mission with such hopeful lyrics as “bring your peace into our violenceâÂ?¦word now breaking heaven’s silence/ welcome to our world.” The music is slow and sacred and adds beauty to this reverent modern Christmas hymn.

7.Lead Me On – Lead Me On

This song is from her 1968 album release Lead Me On. Though her vocal style is not yet the mature lull of her current status, this song is epic and a classic. The build up of the introduction and the pleading “Lead me on/ lead me on/ to where the river runs into your keeping” chorus make this song a Christian music legend.

6.This is My Father’s World – LegacyâÂ?¦ Hymns & Faith

Not all of Amy’s Christian themed songs are considered hymns, but this remake of an old favorite is executed with the same quality she has hitherto given time and time again. Her latest releases have been praise and worship music, showing her fans that she’s still the same Amy despite the years, the plucked eyebrows, and the superstar status. She’s still the same ol’ down to earth Amy.

5.Carry You – WoW 1998 (black disc)

This was a song that didn’t make it onto her Behind the Eyes album of 1998, but was put on an annual compilation of Christian music’s top songs and artists. I for one am glad this song wasn’t lost between the cracks. Amy’s voice is a tired, weary alto; this is a unique feature her voice had during this time period. However, instead of being unpleasant it has quite the contrary effect. This song is written in the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to the world, “Lay down your burden/ I will carry you/ my child/ my child.” There is something so comforting about the melody and Amy’s vocals singing such stirring lyrics, encouraging us to come to Christ -He’s been to hell and back, there is nothing He can’t handle.

4.That’s What Love is For – Heart in Motion

We can’t forget the album that gave Amy her crossover success. Although “Baby, Baby” is likely her most broadcasted pop song, “That’s What Love is For” shouldn’t be tossed in the shadows. This song deals with the core of relationships. This is similar to the theme of “Turn This World Around,” which are vintage Amy motifs. Her music is about the power of love to repair the broken things of our lives and the world.

3. Thy Word – The Collection

Amy may only sound like a humble teenager, with a very soft voice on this song, but that’s because she was. Her voice has grown more powerful, confident, and deeper as the years have gone by, but the pureness of her tones in “Thy Word” reminds us of her beginnings. This is number three on my list because it represents her early music and the simplicity of her origin.

2.Happy – Simple Things

This entire CD is fun, but “Happy” is very appropriately named. It seems a little ambitiously written with the line, “I’m ready to dig in/ ready for more than skin on skin.” But the tune is perky and the lyrics so fun-loving that you can’t avoid breaking a smile.

1.Breath of Heaven (Mary’s Song) – Home for Christmas

This is the world’s greatest Christmas album of all time! I can’t imagine hanging the stockings on the hearth without Amy’s musical talent on this CD. “Breath of Heaven” is my number one Amy Grant song because of its originality. The song is sung in the perspective of Mary, Mother of Jesus. It soulfully traces her feelings of inadequacy and the journey she had to take within herself to be the chosen vessel for God’s only begotten Son. The music beautifully compliments the sentiment and Amy’s artistry is unforgettable.

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