How To Sell a House that Won’t Sell: Ask St. Joseph for Help

I grew up in a large 3 story home in the suburbs, with my Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and Grandfather. After my parents divorced, my grandfather died and my brother moved out the large 3 story house in suburbs was far too big for us. As well as being far too expensive for my mother. She put the house on the market and started planning our move out into the country. We looked at homes, but no one ever came to look at our home!

A year passed, with no offers. My mother was desperate to sell this house; she went from real estate agent to real estate agent. No one seemed to have the magic touch to sell the 3 story house in the suburbs. I could chock it up to the ’70’s olive green dÃ?©cor in the downstairs bathroom, but no one else seemed to think that was the problem.

Life continued on, the house stayed on the market. Occasionally, I’d receive a freaked out phone call from my mother telling me to clean up because people were going to stop by for a tour of the house. Something always seemed to go wrong though. When one potential buyer was inspecting the master bedroom, the cat decided to throw up on the bed. Delightful! I’m sure there was more than one occasion when I didn’t clean up as well as I should have.

We were approaching the two year mark, with our non-selling home, when my mother came in from work with a small statue. It was a statue of St. Joseph. She told me that according to tradition, if you bury a statue of St. Joseph in your yard, your home will sell faster.

My mother is not a particularly religious woman, but she’d peaked in her desperation to sell this monstrosity of a house. She walked out into the back yard, in her high heels and red suit. Retrieving a shovel from the shed, she took a sufficient amount of dirt out of the ground, placed the statue in the hole and returned the dirt to its rightful place.

The next morning she got a call from her real estate agent. A family from Florida had put an offer on the house, a generous offer. They’d never even seen it and they bought it! Apparently it was the only house they could find to accommodate their large family. The moral of the story is; St. Joseph will sell your house!

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