My Morning Cup of Sanity Just Got Simpler

I can’t live without my morning cup of coffee. Here was my routine before I purchased a Senseo coffee maker by Phillips.
  1. Stumble to the kitchen while rubbing my eyes and yawning.
  2. Crack open my huge plastic tub of generic coffee.
  3. Scoop (and spill) the grounds on the counter as I fumble with the flimsy filter.
  4. Wipe up the mess.
  5. Spill water as I try to pour the huge pitcher into the tiny hole on the back of my coffee pot.
  6. Wipe up mess again.
  7. Pull the used filter out of coffee pot. Hold hand under filter to prevent drips as I scurried to the waste basket across the room.
  8. Wash coffee soaked hands and wipe the drips off of the floor (with my socks).

Yesterday, I excitedly went to the door to retrieve my brand new Senseo coffee pot from my UPS man. I was so excited I almost hugged him. I had been wanting one for months and I finally broke down and ordered it.

Here’s my new routine.

  1. Stumble to my kitchen.
  2. Place coffee pod into Senseo coffee maker.
  3. Place cup under maker.
  4. Push button.

Wa-la! That’s it…(and the coffee is much tastier…and foamy to boot!) The coffee maker holds also 12 cups of coffee in a reserve that you simply have to fill once a day or so (unless you drink as much coffee as me, then you’ll be filling it up every few hours. Regardless, it certainly beats going through my old routine every time I wanted a cup. (My socks are cleaner too).

The only reason I didn’t get the Senseo maker a few months ago was that they were fairly new and I was afraid that the cost of the coffee pods (coupled with my coffee addiction) would break me. When I saw how inexpensive the pods were becoming at retailers like Costco, Target and Walmart, I gave in. While I am not much of a domestic goddess, I am a coffee goddess. Just the other day, I drove past my favorite little coffee shop that (used to) have the best coffee in town. My husband was stunned. While I’ll occasionally stop in the shop to visit with friends or write, I don’t do it because they have better coffee than I do at home. Now, I have my favorite little “shop” right in my home-office.

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