Being a general contractor doesn’t require much building skill.You will only be organizing each project (The role as a manager).You will have sub contractors working for you who will actually be doing the work. The carpenter crew is one of the main subs that will be working for you.They can really help you understand things along the way.They also can reference for many of the other subs you will need threw out the projects. Really good carpenters are most likely already busy and will require a waiting period before they can get to you, rest to sure it will be worth the wait I’m sure.Organize yourself always ahead of time. Keeping files that’s labeled for each specific job is very important it’s one of the most helpful things to do. A briefcase is a complete most have for traveling reasons for your files. You will find yourself constantly needing something for a inspector, or for a sub, or whom ever it may be and you want have the time to keep running back and forth to your office or job sites costing time as well as money. So a briefcase is a must have easy access will save you time and money so being prepared is a biggie. You should also have files for each sub containing there section of plans, and contacts and so forth. Being organized is one of the most important roles of your description. You will conduct most of your time handling your business than actually being on the job site. You don’t have to be there every day. Comunication with your subs is the most important factor to your role.
Weather if it’s drop by inspections or just phone comunications, whatever is best for you. Just make sure that there’s plenty comunication with all the people working for you, so there will be no misunderstandings. Any changes should be made before construction starts. It will save you much time (which is money) this way. Be sure that you have all of the appropiate plans. Which many residential construction includes foundation plans, floor plans, detail plans and a outside overview plan which shows the outside view of the finished house from different sides. It’s a great idea to have extra plans for your sub contractors, so every one will be on the right track, because inspections are required. Despite all of the organizing, its a great career. So if you think you’ll like getting paid just to make sure that the jobs get done without having to drive one single nail, then this will be a great choice to consider. It’s also a very enteresting career, getting to run your own business. So to whom ever that may wish to feel in charge on there job should really give general contracting a try.