Looking After Orchids

Have you ever looked at a beautiful Orchid and fancied growing them at home but think that it there is too much work involved. Well, one of the easiest Orchids to grow is the Moth Orchid and it’s beauty in any home would be welcome. A Moth Orchid can be bought as a flowering plant, is not expensive and will reward you with flowering again and again.

The Moth Orchid is very easy to grow and flowers for ages. When it has finished it’s first burst of blooms, it will produce another set, so you have the wonder of this beautiful orchid standing proud in your home and blossoming for months. Usually, you can get up to six months flowering from one Moth Orchid alone.

How to grow a Moth Orchid:

If you buy a flowering Moth Orchid grow them on in a window however ensure they are out of direct sunlight. With regard to watering, you only have to plunge the pot into a bowl of tepid water once a month, leave stand for a minute and then let the pot drain. In the Summertime, you have to water a Moth Orchid once a week using the same method.

If your Moth Orchid has bloomed once it is simple to get it to bloom a second time. When the first set of flowers have finished, do not remove the entire stem only the top part. Cut neatly just beneath the lowest flower and your Orchid will blossom for a second time.

So, what do you use to feed a Moth Orchid? You can purchase a Orchid Fertilizer from any garden outlets and feed your prized possession once every two weeks. It is that simple.

The variety of color is endless and range from white to dark violet. So why not get a few and place them on a dull window in your house and bring a little bit of exotic flavor into your home. Their beauty is striking and they are so easy to grow and to maintain.

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