How to Conserve Energy in Your Home

I have always been conscious of the need to conserve energy, even as a child. Now that I am a homeowner, I have even more reason to conserve energy, to help save money! Conserving energy is so easy. It can be accomplished in just a few steps.

1. How to conserve energy in your home: Turn off lights

It drives me crazy when I see lights that are kept on when there is no one in the room, or when I see lights put on outside houses and kept on night and day. I wonder why people do this. But by just a simple flick of the switch when you leave the room, you can quickly train yourself to turn lights off when they are not needed.

2. How to conserve energy in your home: Fix broken items and appliances

A leaking toilet or dripping tap (faucet) are more than just annoying. This is one main way in which water is wasted. Who pays for the leak or drip? You do the next time you get your water bill. So if you notice a leaking toilet or dripping tap, see to it quickly. It will help save you money in the long run and you will not have to deal with the nuisance of a leak or drip anymore!

3. How to conserve energy in your home: Wash clothes on a cold wash

Washing clothes on a hot wash uses more energy than a cold wash does. So if you can, try to switch over to a cold wash for most of your laundry needs and reserve the hot wash for whites or stubborn stains. A gas tumble dryer is also more energy efficient than an electric one. It tends to cost slightly more than an electric tumble dryer, but it will pay for itself once you start receiving lower fuel costs.

4. How to conserve energy in your home: Run the dishwasher on a short cycle

Many people love the convenience of a dishwasher, myself included. But dishwashers do use a lot of water. You can decrease the amount of water used by running the dishwasher on a short cycle and letting the dishes air dry. Just open the door after the cycle has finished and let them dry naturally.

5. How to conserve energy in your home: Turn off appliances when not in use

When you leave the house for work, to run errands or if you go away for a few days, make sure you turn off all the appliances before you go. That includes TV’s, stereos and other gadgets that do not need to be left on in your absence. Set the temperature to a lower temperature all year round in your absence. There is no need to keep the house warm and sung in winter if you will not be there or cool in the summer. This will only run up fuel costs and waste money. How does this benefit you when you are not in the house?

6. How to conserve energy in your home: Take a shower

We all know that taking a bath uses up many gallons of water, thus adding to the water bill. By switching to showers, you can help conserve a lot more water. Try to reserve baths for once or twice a week, as a way to relax and unwind, rather than as part of your daily routine.

In conclusion, I would say that it is definitely worthwhile to try and conserve energy. It will help lower your fuel costs and teach you of how your small contribution can help to protect the environment too.

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