Add Value to Your Home: Tips to Increase the Value of Your Home by Thousands of Dollars

Homeowners are always looking for new ways to add value to their home. Even if you don’t plan on moving anytime soon, this is still great thing to do. When you add value to your home, you help to ensure that your home will get the best price possible when its time to sell. Homebuyers will be looking for homes that meet their needs and are worth the investment. If you want to add value to your home, and ensure the best offer possible, follow these tips.

Add Value to Your Home #1: Make Simple Changes

Even the smallest changes will add value to your home. Something as simple as changing the hardware on your kitchen cabinets can change the entire look of the room. A tired kitchen can look modern by simply adding brushed chrome hardware. In your bathroom you could also change the light fixtures and faucet to create a new look that will quickly add value to your home.

Add Value to Your Home #2: Update

Homebuyers are scared by outdated homes. To be honest, it isn’t pleasant to walk into a house that looks amazing on the outside and see shag carpeting from the 1970s. If there are parts of your home that are outdated, spend time updating those features. A few updates will quickly add value to your home.

Add Value to Your Home #3: Paint

If you plan on selling your house sometime soon, you will need to paint in order to add value to your home. You may not want to paint a house you are moving out of, but it will add value to your home. Homebuyers will enjoy seeing a fresh coat of paint. If homebuyers see paint that is chipping or walls that are stained, they will begin to question whether or not you have taken care of your home and what other problems the home may have.

Add Value to Your Home #4: Increase Square Footage

Increasing the square footage of your home doesn’t mean that you have to add on another room. In fact, you can increase the square footage of your home simply by finishing your attic or basement. The important thing is to take the space you have and make it useful.

Add Value to Your Home #5: Improve Curb Appeal

Your home may look amazing on the inside. You may have just redone every room in the house, but the curb appeal of your home is dreadful. Sadly, many homebuyers will never make it past your driveway because of this. If you want to add value to your home, you must make the outside of your home as appealing as possible.

Add Value to Your Home #6: Make Every Space Useable

If you want to add value to your home, you will need to make sure that every space is useable. There are several ways to do this. For example, if you have a closet under your stairway, you could turn that space into a pantry. Homebuyers will love having a place to store extra household items, such as cleaners and paper products.

Add Value to Your Home #7: New Flooring

Many homebuyers will not want to replace carpeting upon moving into their new home. If your carpet is stained or badly worn, you will need to change it. If you want to greatly increase the value of your home, you could add wood flooring.

Add Value to Your Home #8: New Kitchen

More and more people are becoming interested in cooking. This means that they will be looking for nice kitchen. This will be a space where they and their family will spend most of their time. If your kitchen is in desperate need of a makeover, spend the money and have it done. This will add value to your home and increase the offers you receive when its time to sell.

Add Value to Your Home #9: Add Second Bathroom

If you only have one bathroom in your home, you should really consider adding a second one. Homebuyers will want enough bathrooms to handle their family size. If your home has several bedrooms, you will want to have enough bathrooms to handle the needs of that many people. You don’t have to build an extension onto your house in order to have a second bathroom, simply use the space that isn’t being used in your home.

Add Value to Your Home #10: Replace Siding

According to an HGTV special, 20 Ways to Add Value to Your Home, the #1 way to add value to your home is to replace the vinyl siding on your home. Cracking siding will not be attractive to homebuyers. Homebuyers want a home that is as attractive on the outside as it is on the inside. Spend the money and add value to your home; it’s that simple.


Retrieved May 15, 2007 from:,1806,HGTV_3909_50413,00.html

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