Pet Product Review: 8 in 1 Perfect Coat Select Moisturizing Shampoo

My recent purchase of a dog shampoo called 8 in 1 Perfect Coat Select Moisturizing Shampoo was a result of trying to keep my Toy Poodle clean between his grooming appointments. Since he has a white coat, keeping him bathed at least once a week is imperative if I want to keep him looking his best.

My dog visits the groomers every six to eight weeks. By the time he is done playing outside, rolling in the grass and digging in the dirt, his beautiful white coat turns a grungy shade of Grey. Using the 8 in 1 Perfect Coat Select Moisturizing Shampoo has been a great way to maintain his coat.

I have been using the 8 in 1 Perfect Coat Select for over a year. It never fails to deliver the quality that I have come to expect. Unlike a lot of shampoos, it doesn’t seem to irritate my Poodles sensitive skin.

The 8 in 1 Perfect Coat Select does an immaculate job of removing all of the ground in dirt that somehow finds a way to get deep into your pet’s coat.

All you need to do is wet your dog’s coat, apply a fair amount of the shampoo and work it into a lather for a few minutes. Because my dog is white, I get better results if I repeat the application a second time. Once you are finished, simply blow dry and brush your dogs coat.

The 8 in 1 Perfect Coat Select Moisturizing Shampoo for dogs is a great product to have if you have animals with thick woolly coats. The Chamomile helps to condition, soften and prevent tangles, while giving a healthy luxurious shine.

The 8 in 1 Perfect Coat Select Moisturizing Shampoo contains some of the following ingredients: Aloe Vera, Passion Flower, Clover, Acacia Flowers, Orange Leaves, and Orange Blossoms.

When using this product, care should be taken to avoid your dog’s eyes. The 8 in 1 Perfect Coat Select Moisturizing Shampoo is intended for use on your pets. It should not be used on humans and should be treated like any other chemical and kept out of the reach of children.

The 8 in 1 Perfect Coat Select Moisturizing Shampoo can be purchased at your local pet supply store for a few dollars. I shampoo my dog once a week and the 16 ounce bottle will last about four months.

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