Clorox Green Works Natural Glass & Surface Cleaner: Review

For years I have tried to purchase cleaning and personal care products that are natural and non-toxic. When I see the harmful petro chemical ingredients that go into many products these days, I get outraged.

Slowly, more and more companies are jumping onto the “green” bandwagon, and we can now Clorox to that list. That’s right, Clorox! I know, I was skeptical and surprised as well. When I saw this line at my grocery store, I had to do a double take. There was an end of the aisle display just for the Green Works line, which consists of a toilet bowl cleaner, an all purpose cleaner, and this glass and surface cleaner.


The bottle is shaped like most other window cleaners. It comes in a 32 ounce plastic container, with a spray top. The liquid is as clear as water. Clorox uses a green label with their signature daisy proudly presented in the middle of the bottle.

Product Claims

* Works as well as traditional cleaners
* Made from plant and mineral-based ingredients
* Ingredients are biodegradable
* Cuts through filmy residue
* Safe to use on multiple surfaces

The Verdict

I have found that some “natural” products make that claim, but are made up mostly of chemicals, with a few natural ingredients thrown in. Some companies do make all natural products, but they cost much more than the traditional cleaners. Clorox has done a wonderful job of providing the consumer with a fine all natural glass and surface cleaner. It costs much less than other green products, and isn’t really much more than other brands that have always had the lions share of the market.

The ingredients are pretty straightforward: coconut based cleaning agent, corn-based ethanol, filtered water, fragranced with essential oils. This does not contain any bleach or phosphorus, so it’s much better for the environment.

I used this to clean windows, mirrors, and my bathroom counter top. My biggest challenge is the large picture window in my living room. Our small dog lays on the back of our couch and looks out that window many hours during the day. She gets her nose marks all over the place, and I haven’t had much success cleaning this window with some more traditional window cleaners.

Clorox Green Works did an absolutely fantastic job of cleaning this window! Not only did it quickly cut through the nose prints, but it left my window STREAKLESS. This is a big beef with window washing, and something that I have always found challenging … clean a window without the streaks. They often look clean, until the sun shines through and you see every swipe and wipe mark.

Next I cleaned my bathroom mirror, and again the Clorox Green Works did a great job. It left my mirror spotless, and cleaned off the finger prints in one easy step. Since it is touted as a surface cleaner, I put it to the toughest test in my home. My bathroom countertop. Both my husband and I use hairspray on a daily basis, in fact I use it at least twice every day. The counter always has a gunky build up of hairspray that is quite ugly. Until now, the only product that would clean it with little effort was the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser sponges.

I sprayed the Clorox Green Works onto the counter and let it sit for about 15 seconds, then started to wipe it down. Some areas were coming clean without any scrubbing! I was actually quite amazed. I don’t know if the lemon oil is what helps cut through the build up, all I know is that it works. This is going to be so much cheaper than using those white sponge cleaners. I thought maybe the essential lemon oil would leave my bathroom smelling fresh, but this really wasn’t one of the benefits to using this cleaner, sad to say.

Clorox is launching their new line of Green Works products this month, and they are slowly making their appearance on store shelves across the nation. They are priced lower than most “green and natural” products, I picked this up for only $3.00. That is a GREAT value. If you care about the environment (the plastic is also recyclable), and are looking to make your home a green home, give Clorox Green Works a try.

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