Product Review of Pine-Sol Cleaner

Four years, a long time to overlook a good deep cleaning. The build up of grease and dust over the kitchen had come together to create a heavy film over everything. An impenetrable sticky film over all the knick-knacks and decorative clutter that older people tend to collect. With failing eye sight, they just don’t notice the discoloration to the flooring, or the fact that your shoes stick as you walk across the room. As was the case for an ailing neighbor, she started going down hill recently, and the right thing to do was help her out around the house.

Surveying the project at hand, it became clear that no ordinary generic kitchen counter spray was going to faze this run down kitchen. Off to the store for a bottle of good old fashioned Pine-Sol.

Pine-Sol, invented in 1929 by Harry A. Cole, has been the backbone of cleaning agents in the household, seemingly forever. The main ingredients are pine oil, surfactants, and isopropanol. The product is designed to be added to a bucket of hot water, we found the hotter the better, as the grease cutting ability seems to be better when it’s good and hot.

Starting at the ceiling, we removed all the ceramic chickens and glass cats from the top of the kitchen cabinets. A sink full of Pine-Sol infused hot water made quick work of cleaning these items to a squeaky shiny surface.

Filling the mop bucket with a strong solution of Pine-Sol accommodated a through cleaning of the floor space under, and behind, the refrigerator and stove. Soaking the gas stove grates in the sink allowed removing most of the years of cooked on crude. It did take a little extra elbow grease, and an SOS pad to complete the job.

With all the cupboard doors and frames washed, we moved to the floor. With ground in grime, this required the services of a stiff bristle brush to get down to sparkling clean tile. A final mopping and it looked great.

After sending the curtains through the washing machine, and hitting the windows with a blast of Windex, the kitchen was done. The kitchen looked like new, and the Pine fresh scent smells great.

Pine-Sol is an old fashioned product, from way back when Grandma was a young house wife. But dog gone it, there are very few products out there that will do as good a job of cleaning for such an economical price. For the price of $1.99 we had all the cleaners we needed to bring this kitchen back from the edge.

This major kitchen make over used about 2/3 of a 28oz bottle of Pine-Sol, leaving us enough cleaner to attack the bathroom tomorrow. By the end of the weekend we should have this place spotless for this elderly neighbor who really appreciates a hand now and then.

If it works this good on a badly neglected kitchen, imagine how easy it will be to clean on a weekly basis. Pine-Sol, owned by the Clorox corporation since 1990, still does as good a job at cleaning as it did in the good old days.

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