How to Encourage Baby to Walk

Being a parent is one of the most amazing feelings of this world and a great gift by nature. Seeing your off-springs grow and learn new things is fascinating in more ways than one. However, with blessings, it brings a lot of responsibilities and can be a touch demanding at times.

All babies learn things differently as per their natural abilities. In normal circumstances, a child starts to walk between the ages of 9 to 18 months. They begin by starting to crawl and then make an effort to pull themselves up to a standing posture. When babies start to take their first steps, it is natural for them to fall down and stand up again. Every parent feels immense satisfaction to see his/her baby walk and they want to help them in their effort.


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    A soft object

    Provide your baby a soft but strong object and help him/her to practice pulling up. A sofa can do the job in this regard. Initially, you can lend your baby a helping hand while gently holding him/her. It is going to help you understand if your baby is finding it hard to stand up or not.

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    Holding hands

    A baby naturally feels comfortable and more confident by holding the fingers of his/her parents. You can teach your baby to walk in a very effective manner by helping him/her practice walking by holding your finger.

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    Placement of new toys

    Babies are always interested in new toys. By placing the toys at slightly higher places, you can motivate your baby to try to stand and grab that toy. The baby may have to make multiple efforts, but it is most likely that he/she will eventually stand and pick up the toy.

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    Buy a nice and safe bouncer and place your baby on it. A child can easily exercise on the bouncer, which is going to make his/her legs stronger. It will also instigate the baby’s desire to stand on his/her own feet, which will lead to walking.

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    Dress comfortably

    Comfortable dressing is extremely important if you want your baby to learn to walk smoothly. If the dress is not flexible enough, the baby can get de-motivated.

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    Baby crawlers are easily available in markets. It can actually do wonders and help the baby learn to walk faster. A crawler can do two jobs at a time as a child takes it as a toy, while the crawler is helping him/her enhance skills.

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