Eco-Friendly Home Lighting

Eco-Friendly Lighting is a very important component to living Green. Since the depletion of energy is paramount to sustainable living, eco-friendly lighting is a major step towards saving energy and changing one’s thought process towards living earth friendly.

There are a few small steps that can be taken to move towards eco-friendly lighting. One of the first steps toward eco-friendly lighting is in using better bulbs such as compact florescent bulbs also known as CFLs. Initially the eco-friendly lighting such as the CLS but they last longer and use about a quarter of the amount of energy as regular bulbs. One of the things to consider with eco-friendly lighting is how to dispose of them. Check the guidelines for your local city prior to trashing them.

Another excellent form eco-friendly lighting is the LED also known as light emitting diodes. A little bit more expensive than CFLs the LEDs save even more energy and actually last longer than the CFLs.

Another popular modification to have eco-friendly lighting is to use dimmers. Most dimmers are easily installed and can be purchased at most home supply stores.

One of the best sources of eco-friendly lighting is natural daylight. Save energy and enjoy natural lighting as much as possible by taking advantage of natural lighting. Truly the most eco-friendly lighting available, if you don’t have access to a lot of natural light in your home, consider installing skylights.

For those in the process of building homes, now is the time to consider all options for eco-friendly lighting. When building a home consider the direction the house faces in relation to natural daylight and window placement.

If you are in a home and rebuilding is not an option consider other eco-friendly lighting options such as Artificial Natural Light. The Zeno Light for Luceplan is one such item that uses optical conduits to collect exterior light and direct to towards creating natural light.

Others great tips for eco-friendly lighting include saving energy by turning lights off when not in use. Also consider installing lighting motion sensors designed to turn lights on only when necessary.

Other things to consider in living earth friendly and using eco-friendly lighting is in how one plans his or her day. Should you work from home and most of your computer work be done during the day, try to use natural light. Not only is it easier on the eyes, it is also easier on the energy bill. Once done for the day shut down the computer and unplug the power strip which constantly drains small amounts of energy.

For more information on Eco-friendly lighting visit popular Web sites such as Sustainable Lighting, Pristine Planet and Tree Hugger.

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