The 2008 HGTV Green Home Sweepstakes

Every year HGTV gives away a multi-million dollar dream home and in 2008 HGTV is adding a green home to the prize. HGTV is getting on the green hybrid-bandwagon.

The HGTV green home was built using basic green building standards. The ecologically aware standards are as follows. 1. Select an environmentally friendly site-, such as a site with little trees to clear and orient the house towards the sun for natural heat. 2. Use energy efficient designs and build in a manner to prevent HVAC loss. 3. Use low-flow fixtures to reduce the home’s water consumption. 4. Use fresh air ventilation to promote a healthy indoor environment. 5. Emphasize material conservation and waste reduction while using sustainable products in construction and design.

The popular home and garden television network will document the construction of the energy efficient house on HGTV. A blog detailing the green construction process will be available at In May, HGTV will give the green house away to one lucky viewer. To enter the sweepstakes or check the progress of the construction, visit

To build a sustainable home HGTV first contacted the US Green Building Council to register the building for the Leadership in Energy and Efficient Design program (LEED). LEED is a program that applies a rating scale to building projects to determine how energy efficient the finished product will be. To register a building project or learn more about LEED standards visit Following LEED standards is important for the environment and can also save home-owners money.

When planning a home, architects, designers, and home buyers should follow the energy efficient example set by the 2008 HGTV green home. HGTV put LEED standards into action and gave us a brilliant example of an environmentally-friendly habitat. Before building, the Home and Garden TV team of designers, energy experts, and construction specialists prepared for durability issues to prevent problems with pests, rot, natural disasters, and water containment. The team chose a site for the green home with fertile lands to prevent drought and encourage home-owners to grow a garden. A double insulation system was used to prevent HVAC loss and reduce energy needs. Efficient windows and a superior heating and air conditioning unit were also used to reduce energy needs. The green house has water efficient fixtures, such as low-flow toilets, to reduce water usage. All of the residence’s appliances and lighting fixtures are Energy Star; Energy Star is a program of the U.S. EPA and U.S. Department of Energy. Appliances with the Energy Star seal meet the government’s energy efficient standards. To search for Energy Star appliances or learn more about the program, visit

HGTV Green Home 2008 will premiere at 9:00 PM E.S.T on March 23 at HGTV.

2008 HGTV Green Home
Energy Star
US Green Building Council, LEED

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