Family Cloth: Finding a Set Up that Works for You!

In this article I am going to discuss different set ups that you can use while using family cloth. Each set up is easy. Some might require you to buy a small basket or you can improvise with something you have around your house. Be creative and see what you can come up with.

For most people family cloth is an easy switch, and for any family it saves you money. Now that you have your family cloth made or bought you need somewhere that is easily accessible for you to use and not make it a hassle for anyone in the family. I will discuss storing it in the bathroom.

If you would like for your family cloth to be out of view from people that are coming to visit, then under the cabinet might be an option for you. While you should not be ashamed of using family cloth, some people are not comfortable with telling others. You can take two small buckets, baskets, or bins and place them under the cabinet in your bathroom. In one container you should keep the clean wipes for people to use. In the second you can keep the dirty ones that will be washed on wash day.

If you would like for them to be stored in view or you do not care who sees them, you can store two small baskets, bins, or buckets on the back of the toilet or on a small shelf near the toilet. The same process as under the cabinet, one is for clean wipes and the other is for dirty.

If you are interested in having wet wipes, there are also a few ways to do this. You can have a third container added to the set up and have one that has a wet mix in there. For me, I like it better when I can wet them as I go because the sink is right beside the toilet. That is what works best for me.

If you are worried about the dirty wipes getting a smell you can drop a few drops of tea tree oil in the container or you can get a small wet bag to line the container and it will contain it if there is any smell at all. I have never had a problem with smell and do not use the tea tree oil or a wet bag.

If storing in the bathroom is not an option for your family, you might want to store these in a dresser drawer in a bedroom or linen closet. Never worry about what people are going to say, just remember that you are saving your family money and helping the environment.

Good Luck With Family Cloth!

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