Christian Themed Garden Statues

Since my early childhood, when I would follow my father around in the garden, I have loved gardening. To a gardener not many other things compare to the joy we get from watching a plant grow from a single seed into a plant that produces a beautiful flower, scrumptious vegetable or delicious fruit. It is not just about the plants with gardeners either, as we like to make our gardens attractive by keeping the weeds at bay, adding a small fountain or pond, and by placing garden statues under trees, besides bushes, or in a bed of flowers.

There are thousands of statues a person can choose from to include in their garden and the decision can be a hard one to make, so going with a particular theme will help the decision making process much easier. One theme in particular that I like is a religious or Christian theme. The variety of saints, crosses, angels, and cherubs to choose from is endless and because there are so many, you can choose one that compliments a particular plant.

The Lily of the Valley plant is so named because Christian legend states that Mary, Jesus’ mother, shed tears at the cross that turned into this plant. Another Christian legend is that Lilies of the Valley grew from the blood of St. George during a battle with a dragon. A statue of St. Mary or St. George sitting in the center of a patch of Lilies of the Valley would be very appropriate.

A statue of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, would look great next to birdbath or birdfeeder. St. Francis is sometimes depicted with birds because wherever he went and birds were present, he would stop and speak to them and they would not fly away, but appeared to be listening. He is also sometimes shown with a wolf by his side. Legend has it that a village was being terrorized by a ferocious wolf, which St. Francis was able to tame.

Try adding a heavenly angel statue below a group of Angel’s Trumpet, a plant that blooms during the night. Because Angel’s Trumpets have been known to grow up to five feet tall, you should purchase an appropriately sized angel statue to fit beneath it. If not wanting to place anything beneath it, try a post next to it with a cute cherub face attached to it. Small statues of cherubs can be placed throughout a garden adding their own heavenly touch to the plants that surround them or on the sides of sheds, gazebos, wells, and so on.

Marigold flowers symbolize grief, so a statue of the Angel of Grief would fit nicely amongst them. The lovely Angel of Grief, which displays a kneeling angel bent over a small alter or pillar base, face buried in a bent arm as if crying, was designed by the great American poet and sculptor William Wetmore.

Statues of crosses definitely add a Christian theme to any garden and a perfect place to put one is next to Bleeding Hearts. Bleeding Hearts have also been called the Heart of Jesus, which indicates a cross would be very appropriate to display among them. Try a rugged looking Celtic cross statue next to a patch of soft Irish moss.

A Christian theme is just one of many a person can choose from when wanting to add statues to their garden. Other themes to consider are fairies, dragons, Asian, butterflies, natural wildlife, and the list goes on.


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