Cleaning Rainwater Spots from Windows

Tackling those rainwater stains on your windows need not be a cause for panic. Instead, go at them like a pro. Put together a window cleaning kit and keep it in a convenient place to make quick touch ups a breeze. Get a bucket and load it up with these supplies: package of single-edged razor blades, one clean paintbrush, clean lint-free clothes, professional squeegee, rubber gloves, two or three clean spray bottles, streak-free glass cleaner and a bundle of newspaper.

First of all, you will want to clean the window sill and areas around the pane. Take your paint brush and eliminate any dust and loose dirt from around the window pane. Take a wet cloth and wash these areas with a mixture of warm water and vinegar.

You may use the glass cleaner of your choice; those with ammonia or vinegar work best. However, you can easily create your own with simple household products.

Streak-free glass cleaner

1/4 cup white vinegar

1 tablespoon cornstarch

2 cups warm water

Mix these ingredients in a clean spray bottle. However, if you have more stubborn stains and streaks, try mixing 1 cup of white vinegar and 2 tablespoons of alcohol in a spray bottle.

Before you begin your window cleaning, glide your bare hand across the window pane. This will help you locate raised, hard stains. Take a razor blade and scrape any raised areas.

If you are cleaning the inside as well as the outside, use opposing strokes. For example, use top to bottom strokes for the inside, then, side to side strokes for the outside. This will allow you to identify what side of the window streaks may have developed on. Also, don’t clean windows in direct sunlight. The heat will dry your glass cleaning solution too fast, creating streaks.

Spray the window with your cleaning solution, then squeegee it dry with one stroke. With a clean cloth, wipe the squeegee blade between each stroke to help eliminate the possibility of streaking. If nicks develop in the blade, just replace it.

If you don’t have a squeegee, newspaper works amazingly well. Not only is this a cheaper way to go, but the newspaper is lint-free and the paper will leave a dirt-resistant film on the glass. Put on rubber gloves to protect your hands from newspaper ink. Spray the window with window cleaner, then use steady strokes in one direction. Buff glass dry to a shine.

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