Tips for Keeping Pet Hair Under Control in Your Home

Most dogs shed heavily during several different times of year. It can be a real challenge to keep the dog hair from floating all over your home. There are a few suggestions and ideas below that may prove helpful to keeping your home free of the floating dog hair.

Of course keeping the dog hair down to a minimum will mean vacuuming your home on a daily basis. This of course will not change. You will still need to devote some time each day to vacuuming your carpets and the corners where hair balls can collect. You can lower the amount of floating hair in your home. Prior to taking your dog for a walk, you will want to come their hair out. Comb out their hair in an area that will not allow the pet hair to float around the room. If you have a garage, or a basement area, you can try combing out their hair in these areas. If you don’t have a seperate area in your home to comb out your dogs hair there is another way to keep the hair confined. I have found that by laying down a plastic bag on the floor and, laying pieces of tape around the outside of the bag with the sticky side up, works well. Use a plastic bag that is large enough for you and your dog to sit on in the middle. As the hair starts to fly, most of it will get caught on the tape and prevent the majority of hair from floating around the room. Any hair that comes out in the comb should be immediately placed into a garbage bag that is open and sitting on the floor next to you.

After combing your dog out, take them for a nice walk, and run. This will help to remove any loose pieces of hair that may still be floating around after combing them out. I have tried this method for several years and it has help to keep the amount of dog hair down. You will find less dog hair stuck to your clothing, and less dog hair floating around the room. The key is to do this every day, once a day. Be sure to use a comb that will not irritate your dog. Be as gentle as possible when combing them and they will look at it as an enjoyable time, and not a stressful one.

When it comes to cleaning up the dog hair, I have also found that keeping a swiffer around to be a good idea. The swiffer duster works well to pick up loose pieces of dog hair. It may also prove to be a good idea to keep your dog confined to one or two rooms of the house. Most pet owners like giving their dogs the run of the house. During the heavy shedding months limiting their free range is a good idea. This will prevent dog hair from getting into every room of the house and limit your daily cleaning areas.

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