Disciplinary Appeal Letter

Without any doubt the human resource is one of the most important departments of any business or organisation. The best investment which any business can make for its long-term success is in the human resource. It is true in every sense that it is the employees due to whom the business excels and not the business that makes the employees prosper.

However, this very department is also the root for all the politics and mess that the company suffers through. In order to scale down the magnitude of conflicts, rifts and rows, every human resource department circulates the standard operating procedures, breaching of which can lead to grave outcomes.

Some impulsive employers have a highly conventional and worn out way of handling misbehavior at the office, they terminate the contract of the employee under consideration. However, thankfully, with time measures have changed too and allow more provision for the well fare of the employees.

Many companies issue a certain number of warning letters on the breaking of code of conduct that has to be followed, after which the contract of the under scrutiny employee gets the eventual good-bye letter.


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    Sample of a Disciplinary Appeal Letter

    June 23, 2011

    Ms. Taylor Hunter
    Public Relations Associate
    Channel Eight Televising

    Dear Mr. Henry,

    My last meeting with the senior management concluded in asking me to give in the resignation and a fine too. I admit my miss conduct and also have promised the management that it was and will be the first and last time. However, kindly convince them to reconsider their decision once again.

    I will write in profuse apologies for whomsoever I have hurt and being unreasonable with.

    I would also ask the favour of slacking down my fine as you are already well aware of my pay scale, it will be a very heavy financial burden for me to bear.

    I have been working with the firm for good six months now and you know that such an incident has never happened before.

    Kindly keep my request in mind before reaching any concrete decision.

    Sincerely Yours,

    Taylor Hunter

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    Template of a Disciplinary Appeal Letter


    Your Name
    Your Designation
    Company’s Name
    Dear (name of the receiver),

    I admit my lack of code of conduct during the training session the other day, but I am willing to offer my sincere apologies along with the promise that it will never happen again.

    Anxiously waiting for your response,

    Sincerely Yours

    Your Name

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