How to Write a Marketing Email

The advent of internet has altogether changed the way business is done. It has provided an opportunity to smaller enterprises to have a presence in larger markets to which only the big boys of the business world could cater to previously.

The more presentable one is online can often dictate the success of an organisation. It is crucial that if a company has its presence online, it is a strong and attractive presence.

Email marketing has been on the rise for the last couple of decades and an effective email can play a crucial role in bringing in business. This email can be for the purpose of gaining a small order from an individual or one to draw attention of a multinational organisation.

There are some basic components that one must adhere to for successful email communication. A little attention to detail can go a long way in business success.


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    Subject Line

    The first thing to get right is the subject line. It should be professional yet attractive enough that the person reading it has his attention completely towards the email. A good subject also shows that the party sending the email is professional and well acquainted with the field of work they are associated with.

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    If you can personalise an email, that is excellent. It is quite possible that the email may be sent to numerous recipients at the same time and it’s not possible. However, there are software’s that allow email to multiple addresses with a list of name of each recipient against their email address. In that case, each person will get the email addressed to that person.

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    Be Professional

    Be professional in your email and use appropriate language. Do not use slang as they can be a big turnoff for the reader. Also it is best that the email is composed in second person and the centre of the attention in the email is the addressee.

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    Focus on Benefits

    It is also a good idea to stress upon the benefits the person using the proposed products or the services will receive. Adding feature often is not advised. However, if the benefits and the features are incorporated, then features may be added to the email.

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    Be Brief

    Also it is important that the email is brief and does not over elaborate. Long email can make the reader bored and the person can quickly lose interest. This is something that has to be avoided. The interest of the addressee must be maintained at all times.

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