How to Make Both Speakers Work on an iPhone

You may have heard people discussing the two speakers located on the bottom of an iPhone and whether it is possible to make them both work. It is a common misconception that a lot of people tend to make, as iPhone only had one speaker before iPhone 5 arrived in the market. The other speaker, in actual, is a microphone that is often confused for a speaker.

If you are still desperate for a louder sound, you can still achieve that, though it involves some risk and voids the warranty of your phone.


  • 1

    First things first, you need to turn on your iPhone and unlock the home-screen by sliding your finger on the bottom of the screen. While this is something that someone using a smartphone for sometime considers obvious, people new to using a cell-phone or even a smartphone may take some time getting used to it.

  • 2

    Locate the iPod icon on the home-screen and tap it to access your music library. You may have to switch screens to locate the iPod icon.

  • 3

    Select the song that you want to play by tapping it.

  • 4

    Once the song starts playing, press the “+” button located on the left side of your iPhone to increase the volume. Keep it pressed until the volume reaches the maximum. If you feel that the volume is high enough to your liking, you may want to avoid following the rest of the steps. If you are still determined to get a louder sound from your iPhone irrespective of the risk, move to the next step.

  • 5

    Set the speaker on the bottom of your iPhone by turning it upside down. Be careful not to confuse the microphone for the speaker. The speaker of your phone will be the one on the right when your phone is turned upside down, while the microphone will be on the left. You can confirm the speaker by placing a finger on it to check if the sound gets muffled. Covering the microphone will have no effect on the sound of the music.

  • 6

    Get your hands on a small, fine needle. Be sure to handle it careful so that you do not end up pricking your finger.

  • 7

    Place the needle into the speaker and poke it once. This will slightly raise the sound of the music being played on your iPhone. If it is loud enough for you, stop. If you are not satisfied with the loudness and want to raise it even more, poke the needle in the speaker a few more times.

  • 8

    Once you achieve the desired sound, stop.

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