Goodbye Letter to Wife

Writing a Goodbye Letter to Wife does not mean that you are going to divorce her. It can be written in a way to show your love and affection for her. Wife is your soul mate and an inseparable part of your life who gives you peace and stand besides you in the time of trouble. She also gives birth to your children and look after them along with you throughout her life. However, at any point of life, when you are going away for some time or you are facing a severe disease and know that you will not survive any longer then you need to write a letter to your wife to show how much you love her.

Nonetheless, writing a goodbye letter to wife is something you should compile carefully. This letter should contain everything that you feel for your wife. Acknowledge her sacrifices and contribution into your life and also say thanks to her for her prolonged association with you. Since you are going away from her, even for a shorter period of time, try to avoid putting in anything that might create a bad feeling in her heart and makes her sad. Say her goodbye in a manner which will keep her happy and proud even when you are away or no more in her life.


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    Sample of Goodbye Letter to Wife

    10th January, 2013

    Dear Caroline,

    This letter cannot summarise my feelings, love and respect for you as you have been a part of my life for a prolonged period of 40 years. You have given me happiness and made a lot of sacrifices for me in this period. You gave me three angles and also brought them up in a perfect way. You are my soul mate and an inseparable part of my life. I am proud of being your husband and consider myself luckiest person in the world who has a loving and caring wife.

    However, you are aware that I am at hospital and my cancer is at the last stage. Doctors say that I do not have enough time now. Before I leave this world and start my journey to after life, I want to say that I love you and respect you for all you have done for me. Make the kids happy and pray for me to find peace in the life hereafter.

    I love you my soul mate and wish you stay Blessed.

    Always Yours

    John Smith

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    Template of Goodbye Letter to Wife


    Dear [Name of Your Wife],

    With burdened hear, I want to say you goodbye as I will not be living for a longer period. Before leaving this world, I want to say you that you are my soul mate and I love you so much with the core of my heart. I am proud of what you have done for me.

    You are well aware that my disease [Disease Name] is at the last stage and the doctors say that I have got just a few days. So, before I close my eyes, I want to say you that keep living in the similar manner and look after the kids you are doing right now after my departure. Do not feel sad as I shall always be with you in your dreams and you will always be my beloved wife in the life hereafter as well.

    I wish you stay happy and blessed.

    Always Yours

    [Your Name]

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