How to Add Vista Style Sidebar Back to Windows 7

We are living in an era of science and technology where new inventions and innovations are being made in every field of life on a daily basis. Same is the case with computer and co-related technology. It was a time when people were insisting for P2, P3 and P4 systems but with the arrival of Intel technology like Core i, things have changed dramatically. Likewise, Windows has also been upgraded to the new and latest versions. Every upcoming versions bring in new things with it which facilitate the users in a much better and lucid way. If you make a shift from Vista to Windows 7 you can miss the Sidebar that was offered to you in Vista version.

To add Vista style Sidebar back to Window 7, let’s take a close look how things work step by step in this regard. The process is very simple as it is not rocket science.


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    Go to the C Drive folder of your computer

    You have to add the Vista type sidebar into Windows 7 version, the first step you need to take in this regard is that you Vista machine should be in running condition. Just go to the C Drive and copy the sidebar files from there. Make sure that all related contents have been copied along with it. Send these contents to flash drive and remove the flash player safely. If you have some basic experience with using Windows then you should not have any problems following these simple steps. Make sure that your flash drive is clean and virus free to avoid any potential problems.

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    Go to Windows 7

    In the second step you have to attach the flash drive to the Windows 7 running machine and again go to the C Drive of this system. Rename the folder to something else and paste it there. Now both the versions of Sidebars will be visible in your computer. This is relatively simple to do and you should not have any issues following these instructions.

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    If you find any difficulties while trying to do this then search in the Help section of Windows operating system as there are usually different steps given there. If you are still having issues then go online and visit one of the many websites or forums for additional help. Here you will find many experienced and professional users of Windows that can lend you a helping hand.

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