How to Save Your Gmail Messages in Google Docs

Email services are introduced to help people communicate with each other at a fast pace and now it is a platform that is used to offer jobs as well. Gmail is another framework that allows you to transfer data and information from one person to another or a group. There are some emails that come on regular basis like the updates of some software that you have registered to. They are mostly not required and trashed immediately. Some emails are time based, like you have an assignment due and you have to email it to your teacher so you just send a message and then you don’t need it anymore so it is kept in the sent items. However, there are some emails that needs to be revisited on regular basis like you have some data in an email that you need to use in a report which is to be prepared in a month so you will visit the email regularly, hence, you will have to save it somewhere. Now Gmail allows users to save their messages in Google Docs. It is very useful especially for business purposes. You might have cut the email and paste it to your documents list that is important to you but now there is a far simpler method introduced by the team of Gmail and you should be thankful to them for making your life easier.


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    Use your login and password to sign in to Gmail. Open the email you want to save.

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    You will see a gear-shaped icon at the top right corner of the page. You have to click it and find the Settings options that will come in the pull down menu.

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    Near the top of the centre you will find a Labs tab. Click it.

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    Scroll down a bit to find Enable. Click it and go to ‘Create a Document’ option. It will be the last option in the pull down menu.

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    Save Changes is the option that is placed at the bottom as well as at the top of the page so you can go anywhere to choose that. This step should be followed after Creating a Document.

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    You will have to do all the above stated steps when saving the email for the first time. Otherwise you just have to go to the ‘More’ option at the found at the Menu bar above the email and click Create a Document.

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