How to Add a Scrolling Box to Your Friendster Profile

To display text, the Friendster users have the option to add a scrolling box to their profile. Unlike the usual means, a box helps you communicate in a larger way. For instance, you want to communicate a large message or several short ones, there is no better solution than a scrolling box.

It has many advantages. A scroll box can show plenty of text even without taking any space on the website. It also helps the users grab the attention of others. To add more interest to your Friendster profile, quickly choose a scrolling box.


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    A scrolling box can be created only by using a scrolling box generator. There are plenty of websites to help you in this regard.

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    After selecting a box of your choice, enter the text that you want to appear in the box.

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    After adding the text successfully, push the button with a name ‘"Generate Code" or "Create Code". You will find this option quite easily on the generator.

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    After finishing with the text, you need to move ahead. Now, it is the time to select and copy the code.

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    The procedure of creating a box is almost completed. Now, the next task is to add it to the Friendster site. If you are using this social network for a while, you would be familiar with the options.

    Creating a Friendster profile is not that hard. Just navigate to the Friendster website, and type your email address as well as password in the top right fields.

    Push the ‘Log In’ button to access your Friendster account. Remember, an email will be sent in order to verify the address. After accessing the profile, update the ‘Avatar’ and other information. Having selected a screen name, click the ‘Save’ button to complete the procedure of creating an account.

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    Once you have logged in to the Friendster website, click the ‘My Profile’, lying at top of the page.

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    A drop-down menu will appear in front of you. Select ‘Edit Profile’ option.

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    Scroll down to reach the bottom of the page, where you will a find a box with a name ‘"About Me" or "Describe Who You Want to Meet". The code that you earlier copied needs to be pasted here.

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    The final step is to save the code additions by clicking the ‘Save’ button. A scrolling box has been added to your profile successfully.

    Scroll down to reach the bottom of the page, where you will a find a box with a name ‘"About Me" or "Describe Who You Want to Meet". The code that you earlier copied needs to be pasted here.

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