How to Download Audio Books Legally

Audio books provide comfort and convenience to everyone who wishes to listen to literary work while running, driving in the car or just lying down on the couch. On the other hand, buying audio books can be very expensive. This is because usually the paper based books are cheaper than the audio books.

As a result of this, you can access free audio books legally from the public domain without having to purchase them and spending unnecessary money. There are a few writers who only wish to gain more exposure in the market so they allow their content for free download over the internet.


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    Find free downloadable content on the internet websites

    Go to sites that provide a lot of public and free domain audio books. Make sure you do not download illegal content and avoid going to torrent sites. Try to visit legal audio book providers such as, Thought Audio, Librivox and Project Gutenberg. These websites give legal and free of cost audio books in various genres that are recorded for entertainment purposes only.

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    Get audio book programs

    Download the free audio book clients like Media Monkey, Windows Media Player, VLC Player and iTunes. You can have access to these programs through their sites and you can download them for free at various websites. Moreover, they can also assist you in burning audio books onto CDs or you can copy them to your MP3 player or your cell phone, whatever suits your needs.

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    Look for your desired audio book

    Find your particular audio book sites for books that you require. Mostly you will come across recommendations and recent releases on the home page. Furthermore, you will also find clickable tabs to aid you limit your search by a category. Almost all of the sites have a “Search” box on the top right of their website, which you can make us of in order to find your desired titles, genres and writers.

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    How to download the files?

    Choose a title that you require and download it. Read the information before you download the content. A few sites need you to select a particular client such as Media Monkey or Windows Media Player for the files. Some have their own free audio personnel. Check the guidelines to download the audio book correctly. After that, move the downloaded audio book files from your computer or system onto your digital media player.

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