How to Take Good Portraits with a Digital Camera

People believe that buying a new camera will improve their photography but the fault lies in the way they take photographs and not the camera. You need to know proper technique of taking photographs in order to get a good portrait rather than changing the equipment. A person can take good pictures with any camera but this requires practice and applying the proper way. Digital photography let you focus on the subject you are taking the picture of. However, you need to adjust the settings of a digital camera before taking the picture.


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    Camera’s manual

    You should read the camera’s manual thoroughly and learn its features, buttons and their functions. By this you will also be able to know about the zoom button and how to use it, the flash button and even the power button.

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    Prepare the camera

    Next you need to prepare the camera. Fully charge its battery before going to a function or anywhere. Take several photos and you will find the one which is best. Remember that with a digital camera you can take many pictures and instantly edit but it consumes a lot of battery.

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    You should choose the right settings of the camera. It is preferred that you take photos under settings of natural light. Morning or late afternoon is the best time for taking snaps. You should avoid taking photos when sun rays are falling over your shoulder. Try taking pictures when light is falling on your face.

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    Next you need to check the background of the picture. You need to focus on the subject and so choose a plain backdrop or uncluttered background scenery.

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    Portrait settings

    In case you have adjusted you digital camera to portrait settings, set it to highest aperture settings. By this, you will focus on the subject and the background will be out of focus.

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    Next you need to set the zoom settings. Zoom in so that your subject’s head and shoulders are visible in portrait.

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    Subject mood

    You should capture the subject’s natural moment in order to get the best result. You can confront the subject before and set his or her desire mood before taking the portrait.

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    Focus on eyes

    Have sharp focus on the eyes. Take several photos and the portrait you do not want, you can discard them instantly.

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