How to Become a Ball Boy at Wimbledon

Wimbledon is certainly the most prestigious event in tennis and the tournament has some glorious history. Many tennis players and people dream of being a part of this event, but only few get a chance. You can also get a chance to be on court but for that you do not have to be a tennis player. You can serve as a ball boy in the best Grand Slam event and watch the players from a close distance. However, there are certain requirements and a process you need to follow for this to happen.


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    Get enrolled in the school program

    You need to get enrolled in a school that is participating in nominating ball boys for the tournament. Keep in mind that not all local schools take part in the program and there are only few nominated schools that select for the tennis tournament. There are certain requirements also for applying in the program. You must complete an online module, you must a freshman and must not be having any exams during the Grand Slam tournament and you must have ample knowledge of the sport, which is arguably the most important of all.

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    Take part in the scoring rules test

    After you have received the nomination from your school, you need to pass a scoring rules test which is held on court. You need to pass it with good grades to have a good chance of being selected.

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    Attend the Wimbledon training course

    There is a full training course which is held about three months before Wimbledon begins. There are about four classes held every week until the tournament begins and you must attend all of them in order to get yourself admitted as a ball boy. The training course is scheduled in accordance with the schedule of your school so you do not need to worry about that.

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    Wait for the decision

    Once you have completed the various tests and the training course, you will have to wait for the decision. The decision is based on the grading you have received throughout the different tests that have been conducted. If you are eligible on the criteria, you will be given a notification before the competition begins.

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