How to Build an Aviary

If you have to keep birds as pets, you know you have to keep them within a bird cage or they would fly away. However, you can build a bird aviary to give a natural environment to your pets and improve their quality of life. An aviary provides wider space for the birds to fly and thrive in a more natural-looking environment. These structures are actually cages but much larger than the conventional cages. You can easily make an aviary in your garden and make a unique house for your birds.


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    Begin with 2-by-4 lumber and make four panels out of it. Make sure to use galvanised nails to assemble the panels. You have to first determine the size of the aviary you are about to construct and the dimensions of these panels will be measured according to it. Larger the aviary, greater the size of these panels.

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    Make sure you have kept the space of the gate in one of the panels. The size of this gate should be sufficient for you to enter the aviary easily.

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    You will require sufficient ¼ inch wire mesh to cover up all the wooden panels you have made. Keep in mind that if you have to keep smaller birds in the aviary, you might have to double the wire mesh to prevent them from escaping.

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    Now you have to assemble all the wooden panels to build the aviary. Use galvanised nails to affix them into place.

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    Once the walls of your bird aviary are made up, you have to cover up the opened top with wire mesh. If your location is prone to frequent snow or rain, you may have to make other arrangements for making the roof of the aviary instead of placing wire mesh on the top. A slopped roof can be constructed for avoiding snow accumulation and you can even place the aviary under an overhang.

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    Create a natural environment inside the aviary by including plenty of perches and small trees. These objects will provide the birds a place for roosting and building nests.

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    You have to take measures to protect your birds from the predators. Doubling the wire mesh will prevent rats, snakes and cats from entering the aviary and this will keep your birds safe from the predators.

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    You should also make an area to store food and tools for easy access.

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