How to Make a Cobbler Cocktail

The cobbler is a family of cocktails that are made with the help of a base spirit, fresh fruits and sugar.

This cocktail family dates back to the 18th century and there are many drinks that belong to this family of cocktails. But the most loved one and the purest cobbler drink is Sherry Cobbler cocktail. There are two types of this cocktail; one is Oloroso and the other one is Fino.

Oloroso is richer in taste and is less dry than Fino Sherry. But the great thing about Cobbler cocktail is that it is smooth to taste, and you feel a warming sensation in your throat as it is sipped down. Enough with the introduction, since now it is time to get to the real action.

Make sure you have the following things before you start making Cobbler cocktail.

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Utensils: A cocktail shaker, a tall glass

Serving size: One serving


– 4 ounces of Sherry
– 1 / 2 ounce of simple syrup
– 3 slices of orange
– Fresh and seasonal barriers for garnishing purpose
– Crushed ice cubes as required


  • 1

    Take a cocktail shaker and add crushed ice into it as required.

  • 2

    Now add 4 ounces of sherry in it along with half ounce of simple syrup and three orange slices.

  • 3

    Turn on the cocktail shaker to thoroughly mix all the ingredients that have been added.

  • 4

    Take a tall glass and strain the mixture into it.

  • 5

    Garnish the drink by making use of fresh berries. Your refreshing Sherry Cobbler cocktail is ready to serve. Sit back and enjoy the drink!

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