How to Add Photos to a WordPress Blog

WordPress is one of the biggest platforms which provide blogging facilities to its users. You can easily create blogs of your choice without paying any kind of money to interact with your audience. Blogging has become one of the most common activities on the internet with which you can not only share your writing work or viewpoints with others, but you can also earn a good amount of money by displaying ads on your blog. You can also add different kinds of photos to your WordPress blog to make it more attractive and interactive.


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    First of all, you should know that you can only upload images with .jpg. or .jpeg, .gif and .png extensions. If you have images or some other extensions, you will have to convert them in the compatible ones before uploading.

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    To upload images, open your blog’s dashboard and go to the Posts. Then, select the option ‘Add New’ or ‘Pages’. After that, select the option ‘Add New’ or just open any of the existing posts. It is extremely important for you to open the post in editing view. Otherwise, you will not be able to add the images.

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    Then, place you cursor where you want your photos to appear. Now, click on the ‘Add Media’ option which is displayed just above your post or page editor.

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    You just have to simply drag all the photos from your computer in the box which you want to upload. You can also upload the required photos by clicking on the ‘Select Files’ option. It is better for you to use an updated version of the internet browser. You can use any internet browser but chrome, safari and opera are preferable.

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    When the uploading procedure will complete, you will see an option to make changes in your image before publishing it. You can change the title, caption, alt text and description of your image. Besides, you can also change the alignment, link and size of your images.

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    It is very important for you to make changes in your image as per your requirement. For instance, if you want to post an image on the top bar of your blog, you will have to change the dimensions accordingly. In addition, don’t use images which are heavy as it will make your blog heavy to load on the internet.

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