How to Photoshop Yourself Thin

Everybody wants to look slim and smart in pictures. If you are overweight, you will be glad to know how to look thin with a simple trick using Adobe Photoshop. Using Photoshop to make you look slim in pictures is an extremely easy job. Follow some simple instructions and tips to perform this task. Photoshop experts and professionals also have the luxury to work for fitness and fashion magazines and therefore if you want your work to be used for national publications, you should start learning the art of editing photos in Photoshop.

Things Required:

– Photoshop
– Photo of a person


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    Before doing anything else, you will need to make sure if you have the required skills and determination to succeed as an Adobe Photoshop expert. Consider downloading the Photoshop application from Adobe’s official website if you do not have it installed on your computer. This can be done by clicking the internet browser icon in the Start up menu. Type in the address of the website in the URL section and you will be navigated to the home screen. Find the product and services tab on the website. In the product and services category, look for the Adobe Photoshop application. Click the download button to download the product and run the application to complete the installation process.

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    Open the Photoshop application. In the tool bar menu, find the File menu. Click the File tab at the top of the Photoshop window. Click the Open tab from the drop down list and then find the picture you want to edit using Adobe Photoshop.

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    Now consider opening the Filter menu. Select the liquify option in the window that will be displayed. Use the Freeze Mask tool to start editing the photo. It is advised to select in the picture you want unchanged. For making a person look thinner, you will need to select those parts of the body that you want to remain unchanged.  The chosen areas will be highlighted in red as your finish performing this task. Take your time while using the Freeze Mask tool so that your finished product look professional and natural.

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    Next, use the Forward Warp tool to make the person look slim in the picture. The finger pressing surface tool will allow you to use a brush to thin out the person’s body parts. Click the OK and Save changes when you done editing the photo. Be careful as you do not want to make the person look too thin in the photograph.

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