How to Apply Artificial Frost to Windows

If you cannot afford expensive luxuries on a special occasion such as Christmas, one of the best ways to keep the spirits of family members high is to apply artificial frost to the windows in your home. The task is very simple and the materials required are inexpensive. As a matter of fact, even your children can easily accomplish this task. Here is what you will need to apply artificial frost to one or all of the windows in your home.

Things Required:

– Bucket
– Warm beer
– Epsom salt
– Food colouring
– Sponge or brush


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    Take a can of cheep bear and set it out in open air until its temperature becomes the same as the room temperature. Even leftover beer will work, provided that you have some. There is no need to use dark, expensive beer because it will not work for this task anyways.

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    Once the beer can is at room temperature, pour its contents into a clean bucket. Make sure that the bucket is large enough for you to reach the beer easily using a sponge or a brush. Consider using a bucket with fairly wide opening because that will help you keep beer drips to the least possible level.

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    Add a handful of Epsom salt to the bucket. Stir the contents of the buckets until all of the salt that you added is dissolved in the beer.

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    Consider adding artificial food colouring to the beer-Epsom salt mixture to make the frost more attractive. The food colouring can be of any shade that you desire.

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    Apart from the frost, it will be a good idea to simulate snowflakes accumulated on the window. You will need appropriate sized cardboard templates for this purpose. Purchase the templates from a paper supply store if you do not have them at home already.

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    Immerse the sponge or brush in the beer-Epsom salt mixture until the sponge or brush is completely soaked. Apply the mixture onto the window pane by dabbing or sweeping the sponge or brush over the window.

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